So I was playing DnD, because I'm a geek:
We finished the campaign, which is almost would be a first for our group, but isn't. It was the evil/good campaign (we switched off) and our good party finally caught up with the evil party, following them behind. Er, never mind that my evil character's pirate father was the one captaining the good-guys' ship, which in and of itself was a doozy to try and comprehend.
Anyways, so we caught up to ourselves in a village that the evil folks decided to massacre to get the rest of their ingredients for their ritual. They did this with glass dust blown into the manipulated air current while their pretending-to-be-blind priestess preached to the very-religious townspeople. The evil people had some captured folk from the first game of this campaign, including a redhead that the lizardfolk Grog had grown quite fond of. Everyone else in the party knew she had to go, and it was an on going fight about what they were going to do with her. They also had some kidnapped children that were going to be raised to by my Rhyseas' army. This obviously wasn't working out too well when it turned out they were more terrified of Rhyseas than eagerly devoted. So they had to go to.
We didn't tell Grog this. In fact, we insisted that we were going to let them go at this village and to show our appreciation we would give the redheaded lady enough stuff to put on a puppet show and entertain the kiddies while the priestess preached. Honestly, this was actually to get all of the children of the village in one place so we could pick out our favorite ten to 'rescue' after the massacre.
It all made total sense at the table, honest.
Don't forget that the good party caught up, however. And, being the cautious people that they are, they aren't quite sure if we're evil yet or not (the massacre, at this point, hadn't occurred), and decided to send their spy (me - my characters don't get a lot of breaks in this session, unfortunately as you will see) in to do some spying stuff.
The DM at this point looks over to me and assures me that he will survive. Blinded (which can be cured easy), but survive. If I don't mind, he can also roll to see how badly scarred he would be from the glass. I say I don't mind. We all agree that it would also be an interesting chance for character development if anything severe happens, as my character is a vain bastard anyways and most of his usefulness comes from his pretty face and ability to talk to people.
When the time comes (the evil people's plan working awesomely) and the glass dust gets released into the crowd, the DM rolls for my rogue. He gives me a horrified look and immediately I know that he rolled high. Indeed, 88% of his face gets scarred (never mind the rest of his exposed skin). Eighty-eight percent. Yeah. He was in much, much pain, and played dead when the evil folk came around to pick and choose the survivors.
Our evil people (try to) frame a neighboring country for the massacre (and apparent rape as well - the evil rogue went around and made sure to strip and mutilate the women after the fact), and also make sure that their chosen few children (and one mommy-babysitter) are taken back to the ship and their failed project is for-sure terminated. And then they flee.
Or, everyone but Grog flees. Grog flies into a bloody rage seeing the redhead dead (remember, we didn't tell him what we were doing or that we were responsible for the massacre in the first place), and blindly goes looking for an invisible army that doesn't exist. By the time the good party arrives at the scene the evil party has left him behind to mope. The good party convinces him to turn on us and he gives them everything about us.
They follow the evil people to a remote island of monsters where the ritual is begun. Pirate-captain takes over the left-behind ships and sinks them after all of the passengers are removed (at which point I was far more worried about Rhyseas' child army and how it was being foiled when I should have been worried about the ritual that was supposed to be going on).
We played as the good party for the battle, and had four rounds plus a surprise round to stop the spell. Half way through Grog arrived as back up and pushed off Rhyseas from the casters. Rhyseas was too shocked to fight back and just wound up yelling at Grog for being a stupid turncoat than getting around him to the level three spell-casters (to his level seven Fighter). We didn't succeed, and the ritual was complete.
Luckily, I suppose, the ritual didn't do what everyone thought it did. What we thought it would do would be to give us unlimited power. It actually just released the bonds of magic that hid this part of the world from the rest of the world and just shoved magic back into the lives of the rest of the planet that we didn't know existed. So, we might have started World War II and III at the same time.
And apparently the big magic mage of magic-ness didn't know what his spleen was for, and so the mysterious 'spleen of self' in his riddle actually meant that the caster would have to commit suicide.
...Yeah. I'm going to so miss this group.
But, you know, I had to get back to my life on the internet. And then, all of a sudden, I realized that...
You know you've been out of the fandom too long when there's been news that - from apparently respectable sources, and really probably not a rumor - the English fandom's got one of it's big wishes. I'm talking about Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and the chance that it's coming over seas. And I had no clue that this rumor was flying around. At all. I say "rumor" because official official sources haven't announced it, and some folks are still skeptical, but-but-but I so want to believe. So want to believe.
You also know when you've been out of the fandom too long when you browse fic and see a character name and realize you don't know who the heck they're talking about. I realized soon enough, I just was still under the impression that she didn't have a name yet. Kingdom Hearts fandom, yet again, speaking of Xion. I seriously want to know when she got a name, because for the longest time she didn't have a name. Around the time when all of the new footage started to show up, I suppose.
Then finally Real Life knocked on my door with thunder and lightning. That was cool, even if it followed a weekend of sun and hot weather.