finally meet the gaze of the sad tin of sliced peaches in orange juice which has been standing in the cupboard for god knows how long and which stood sadly in the cupboard of our previous house with same sad expression and whose expiry date is looming and resolve to deal with subject immediately.
vaguely recall rather nice plum and cake dessert made by drunk boss's daughter on previous drunken visit.
search internet for peach cobbler recipes
search internet for peach cobbler recipes containing ingredients actually in my kitchen
throw beloved out of kitchen
turn oven on - 180 should do it or whatever floats your boat
find yorkshire pudding tray.
put a bit of butter in the bottom of each dimple in the tray (12)
wang tray in oven to melt butter.
try to open jar of peaches. bang on lid with spoon, try with dishcloth, eventually give up and get other half to do it, thus ruining surprise puddins
sniff tin of peaches suspiciously.
chuck out top one which looks a bit dodgy
chuck sliced peaches into dimples in tray (6)fish back out, chop in half and pop back in tray (12), tray back in oven
find big bowl
chuck in 3/4 cup of sugar
chuck in a cup of flour
chuck in a bit of baking powder
chuck in some vanilla essence
mix in orange juice (from tin)
forget to add any egg -oops, probably should have done that, oh well.
mix in about 3/4 cup of milk whatever it takes to make it liquid and non lumpy
squish out any lumps you can find and don't worry about the rest
pour equal amount of liquid into each dimple
wang back in oven
how long how long? whines other half, until its bloody well done That's how long.
very tasty too, serve with cream/ice cream or even custard if desperate.
for best results marinade peaches in grand marnier or brandy rather than orange juice (not tested but bound to be yummy)
deal with other half's whining unti cool enough to eat or alternatively give up, scoff anyway and scald mouth