1. Sleep with or without clothes on? with, cause I like cozy pj's
2. Prefer black or blue pens? blue
3. Dress up on Halloween? not this year
4. Like to travel? meh...it would be cool to do someday, but I'm not going to say I'm some worldly person now.
5. Like someone? absolutly
6. Do they know? I certainly hope so
7. Who sleeps with you every night? my cat.
8. Think you're attractive? I have my days
9. Want to get married? yes
10. To? ask me again in ten years
11. Are you a good student? you bet
12. Are you currently happy? yes
13. Have you ever cheated? depends on what kind of cheating we're talking about here. And it wasn't cheating, it was co-operative learning!
14. Birthplace? Victoria, British Columbia
15. Christmas or Halloween? christmas
16. Colored or black-and-white photo? not really partial...I just enjoy photos in general
17. Do long distance relationships work? depends.
18. Do you believe in astrology? not really, but it always proves entertaining
20. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? not really. I have friends that are ten times more entertaining.
22. Do you drink? sometimes
23. Do you make fun of people? hehe...maybe
24. Do you think dreams eventually come true? yeah
25. Favorite fictional character? I dunno...that's a tough one. I totally wish I was some wizard from Harry Potter though. That would be pretty sweet.
26. Go to the movies or rent? I like them both.
27. Have you ever moved? yes
28. Have you ever stolen anything?lol...there was this one time on the ferry when I was like 7...
29. How's the weather right now? cold...and maybe gonna snow tonight
30. Last time you cut your hair? couple months ago
31. Last person you talked to on the phone? James
32. Last time you showered? this morning
33. Loud or Soft Music? depends on the mood I'm in
34. McDonalds or Burger King? after experiences at both, I'm rather partial to the memories of McD's.
35. Night or day? Day
36. Number of Pillows? 4 on my bed, but I only use one when I sleep
37. Piano or guitar? piano
38. Future job? Something that involves Chem me thinks
39. Current job? A&W
40. Current love? life
41. Current longing? a day to sleep in
42. Current disappointment? nothing yet
43. Current annoyance? exams
44. Last thing you ate? dinner.
45. Last thing you bought? coffee and a cookie with Molly
46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Exams being done!
47. What are you hearing right now? The Scientist-Coldplay
48. Plans for this weekend? work and studying. I know, I'm a rebel.
49. What did you do today? worked and did homework.
50. Pick a lyric, any lyric or song: "We're all the same, and love is blind"