Because it's Monday and it's raining and I know where I would rather be right now.
never was no other.
PG13, 300 words.
a/n: title stolen from Nick Cave.
never was no other.
The bed sheet is a wrinkled and rumpled mess around them, a humid cocoon painted hazy yellow by the early hour as Jared’s mouth trails a slow, wet path over the ridges and dips of Jensen’s rib cage. Jensen huffs out a sleepy laugh that stutters, melts like slow honey into a long low sigh before it even has the chance to leave his lips properly, cradling the back of Jared’s skull in the palm of his hand like it’s sacred, like it‘s an honest to God Holy thing. A sharp nip of teeth below his armpit and this time Jensen’s laugh has a chance to grow wings and take flight over tongue.
Jared murmurs, “This, right here,” with hot breath and lips wet, parted against Jensen’s skin. “This is my favorite place today.”
“Just there?" Jensen asks, his voice is a smiling blur of not enough sleep and too much (never enough) Jared. He tugs at Jared’s hair and they resettle, a lazy tide of Sunday tired arms and legs disturbing the dust motes hanging in the air.
“And here,” mouth pressed against Jensen’s shoulder, “and here, here, here“, collar bone, neck and jaw. Jensen’s hand settles on Jared’s flank, palm spread flat, fingers and thumb five more points of contact, his foot on the back of Jared‘s calf another.
Jensen hums and brushes his nose against Jared’s temple, sleep tugging at him with persuasive fingers as Jared mouths the shape of Jensen’s name along his jaw. Jensen curls his leg around Jared’s and drags his fingers down the length of his back, skin still damp with the long hot night. Jensen closes his eyes and remembers how the edge of that shoulder blade tastes, sharp and brilliant on his tongue, while Jared murmurs nonsense and Jensen’s name into the morning.