Emma, I've been meaning to call and apologize for not coming to help you on moving day! I feel terrible. I set my alarm, planning to come over and help for a few hours before work, but I was in such a deep sleep when it went off that I robotically got up and turned it off and went back to bed. A long while later, my brain woke up but my eyes were still closed. I thought, ohhhhhh shit. I don't know what time it is, but I bet it's really late. Too late for me to go over to Emma's. I opened my eyes and it was noon. I ran to the phone and called your new house asking for you, but your mom answered and said you were at work. I explained the situation to her, and she said it was perfectly fine, because I had worked very hard with you guys the day before, and plenty of help showed up on moving day anyway. Nonetheless, I'm really sorry I wasn't there and I hope it went alright. Who came to help?
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