That's enough Keifer.

Mar 22, 2009 00:46

So I downloaded Mirrors tonight....

I'm a sucker for horror movies, but this one is just bad. The only scary and/or gross thing to happen throughout the entire 1 hour and 51 minutes was the death of Ben's (Keifer Sutherland's character) sister. She died in the first 40 minutes, All things that were freaky pretty well went downhill from that point on. Yet somehow they managed to make it that long of movie. Horrors aren't all about the gore and gross stuff, but it wasn't even a good enough story to hold my attention at all. I actually like slow build-ups, not so much wild goose hunts that seem totally fake and desperate.
Keifer was a cop that shot someone and took a long leave (you never find out WHY he shot someone just that he got in shit for it), then started pill popping to stop drinking. Separated from his family blah blah blah so he lives on his sister's couch. Loving Daddy that never sees his kids cuz wifey is a bitch. ....Basically Keifer acts like a dude on roid rage the entire movie. I guess it's meant to be torment and painful times for Ben, but he just seems like a dick who points a gun at people to get his way. Honestly, if he's been discharged they'd take his gun. =P Also, I realized during this that I hate his scratchy voice. 80% of the dialogue for him was yelling too. Ugh.

Uggggh, and he even threatened an elderly man with violence to get information! The man was just stammerring and Ben was all "Don't make me hurt you" Srsly? And he went to a monastary with a gun and took a nun hostage to save his family from the demon who lived in the mirrors. :P Right OKAY. Is this what he does in 24 too? Blows shit up (yes, he blows up a building too in the end ugh) and uses excessive gun action?

Not a horror in Emmaland, more of a crappy action under the facade of "horror". ....I did just come off of watching two amazing french horrors last weekend though (Martyrs and Inside OMG. Not for the faint of heart whatsoever! Both had tons of gore, aesthetically well done, and even had...*gasp* good original plots! ) so I may just be disappointed with anything American that comes out, haha. We watched Quarantine last weekend too, and it just a huuuge case of overacting for the main female character. Jesus, frig lady. One minute she's totally calm, the next she's twitching on the floor crying. D:

Anyways, that's my horror rant/review. XD Keifer should not be lead anything srsly.

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