[Name] Emily Elizabeth
[Sex] Female
[School] SIUC
[Sign] Cancer
[State] Illinois
[Exact Location] Carbondale, IL, at my kitchen table cause that's the only place the wireless is good in our apt
[Current Date] August 3, 2005
[Current Time] 12:46 P.M.
[Clothes] jean skirt with handmade holes (by moi, a cheesegrater and some fine sandpaper), white tank top and off the shoulder green tee from hollister, of course my monogram necklace and 2 rings
[Weather] hot & humid, expect nothing less from this state
[Hair Do] straight hair, parted to the side with my bangs
[Footwear] no shoes
[Mood] ehhhhhhh...
[Talking To] no one, i'm away but not really! (HA HA HA...)
[Sounds] Imogen Heap
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] 2 cups, one can
[Pets] none right now, but we usually have a fish and we once had a dog for 2 weeks... at home i have Hunny and Goober the cats and Sushi, Sake and the Holograms for fish
[Siblings] no one that i know
[Cousins] real honest to god, 2. 2nd and 3rd?? about 12
[Aunts] 2 Becky and Libby
[Uncles] 2 Mike and Steve
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a][y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] a lot... wake up in pj's, usually change into new pj's to just hang out in, take a shower change into day clothes, do my daily activities, then change to go out at night (there are day outfits and night outfits! i'm not crazy!)
[Brush Your Teeth] three or four times... everytime i leave the house
[Brush Your Hair] once in the morning and once at night
[Eat] a lot, whenever i am hungry... i get really bad cravings for things... i've had 4 cups (like blizzards) of ice cream in the past 3 days!!
[Say the Word "ok"] a lot
[Yell at Your Siblings] heh, never, der
[Slam Doors] our doors in the house at home, you basically need to slam them to get them to shut because the humidity has expanded them, so all the time... then the fridge door at the apt has a trick to closing it, other wise it stays open... you need to slam that one too
[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Procrastinate] heck yes
[Stress] yes about stupid things that i can handle
[Take out Your Issues On Others] yes, especially my mom... yeah, i'm still in 10th grade
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] no
[Have an Eating Disorder] no
[Tend to Judge People] ugh, MAIN vice
[for a million bucks ] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] no!
[Strip For Your Classmates] no
[Shave Your head] no
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] yes! lol
[Wax An Old man's Back] sexy
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] ummm hello??? no
[Eat A Snake] sick
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] no
[Make Out With Your Teacher] may-be... definetly a TA
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] no!
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] yeah i would do that
[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] internet is my only entertainment at my apt
[What's The Time Now] 12:59 A.M.
[What Are You Doing After This] unpack all my shit
The Average Day..
Starts at ____ o' clock.: 11
First thing I think when I wake up is: Val.... fuuuuuuuck it's too early to be calling
The first thing I usually do is..: bathroom, to get my contacts in
If I eat breakfast, it's usually..: i don't eat breakfast but sometimes an omelet
I get in the shower no later than..: don't have a "no later than" time... but if its after 5 i say screw it for the day
I wash my ____ first.: hair
And I wash my ____ last.: body
I'm usually on the computer by..: whenever
If I leave the house, I'm going to..: run errands, go to lunch, go shopping, or go to the airport (i'm very vapid, aren't i? it's summer though)
I eat lunch by ____ o' clock.: 3
For lunch, I usually eat//drink..: anything with basil or tomatoes in it right now (we got a HUGE crop in the backyard)
It usually takes me ____ to get ready.: 45 mins to an hour... i dick around
I usually spend _____ on the computer.: 3 hours? is that bad?
As For Today..
I woke up at..: 11
have eaten..: salad with cheese, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, bacon bits, mushrooms and ranch dressing
I have gone to..: Ryan's to get stuff
I've been on the computer for..: an hour probably
I have been to these websites --: LJ, facebook, gmail, craftster, roxydoll
I wish I was..: hiring a maid to unpack my crap
I plan on waking up at..: 11
Spend my day doing..: nothing... maybe shopping for a few birthday presents??
Talking to..: mom, val, mike... probably kaci, johnny t, and a few others if we go out
Listening to..: my Summer 05 playlist, like always
Thinking of..: a certain boy i know and how much i miss him :)
Laughing about..: Nate's birthday present i am going to get him...muah ha ha
Getting angry about..: ummm, not having a job or money
If You HAD To Choose..
Having the flu, or having a cold?: flu, that way you can just lay in bed all day
Piercings all over your face, or piercings `everywhere` else?: everywhere else
Failing a class, or getting suspended?: suspension
Having to sit in a tub of snakes, or having to eat a tub of snakes?: sick, neither
Eating a super-moldy peach, or drinking a glass of super-spoiled milk?: moldy peach
Dying, or losing your memory?: ooooh... dying maybe, i would hate to lose my memory :( the notebook! *bawls*
Going schitzo or being a mass murderer?: schitzo, then i wouldn't necessarily hurt anyone intentionally (exactly jenna!)
PMSing for the rest of your life, or getting your period everyday?: PMS... i wouldn't have to deal with my bitchyness!
Have You Ever..
Been stood up?: probably
Had your Wisdom Teeth removed?: nope, i need to though
Played an instrument, and sucked at it?: nah, i've played an instrument but i wasn't horrible
Seen a UFO?: nope, aliens freak me out
Pulled an all-nighter?: yes
Been drunk?: yes
Been high?: no
Been giving a speeding ticket?: nope (knock on wood)
Eaten octopus or squid?: heck yes calamari
Been to a play?: mmhmm was in a few
Gone surfing?: no
Snowboarding?: no
Kissed someone of the same sex?: a peck for joan!
Kissed someone of the opposite sex?: yes
Been in a real castle?: no
Had an eating disorder?: no
Been in a car accident?: ummm hello, who are you talking to? of course :) i've had 5
How Many..
Piercings do you have?: 3
Tattoos do you have?: none
Pets do you have?: not including fish, 2. including fish, i think 10. (2 holograms i know have died)
People live in your house?: 2
Rings you're wearing?: 2
People you have dated?: 3 boyfriends
People you've actually loved?: 2
What's Your Favorite..
Color(s)?: pink
Cereal?: mini spooners, granola, or tootfie truities (my kids are SOOO gonna be made fun of in school someday because of my generic preference)
Pajama's?: tshirt and undies
State?: South Carolina
Movie?: Say Anything!
TV show?: The OC!
Disney movie?: The Little Mermaid
Soda?: Dr. Pepper
Video//PC game?: ugh, the Sims
Way to spend a Saturday?: sitting on the couch for most of the morning, shopping with friends, going to dinner, then going out that night
Class in school?: i liked Early Childhood Development 1 this year even though the prof was a flake
Ice cream flavor?: Strawberry
Candy?: Take 5
Lollipop flavor?: Strawberry
Teacher?: my mommy :) favorite teacher i had though was.... Mrs. Bergner! 4th grade dude... puppet shows!
Teacher you have a crush on right now?: oooo.... definetly Dr. Campbell... (if you knew this man... he kind of looks like a bald texan santa claus... hot!)
What If..
You could go on vacation anywhere. Where would you go?: Annapolis
You could change your eye color. What would you change it to?: Brown
You could meet any two celebrities. Who would you meet?: John Cusack and.... hmm... Mandy Moore cause i think we'd be best friends... but just for a good time defintely Jake Gyllenhaal
You could kickass at any sport. Which one would you pick?: tennis
You could date any teacher in your school. Who would you wanna date?: joan's English Prof... i hear he's hot... Dr. Anthony?
About Your Personality..
Shy or outgoing?: mixed... lately i've been getting really shy around boys
Do you laugh a lot?: yeah i do
How can someone tell your laugh isn't fake?: when you can see tears forming in my eyes
Do you get annoyed easily?: yeah i do
Do you complain a lot?: i do
Do you have a few close friends, or just friends?: a few close friends, a lot of aquaintances
Do you get jealous easily?: i really do, it's bad
Do you cry a lot?: used to, don't anymore
Do you cry during movies?: yes! it's pathetic
Do you raise your hand in class a lot?: in the classes i know the information well
Do you enjoy loud parties with a bunch of your friends?: yeah that's fun!
Do you prefer double dates, or `alone` dates?: i like alone dates, i like alone time with a boy i'm dating more than time with others, i'm selfish like that
In The Last Week Have You..
Eaten pizza?: Yes
Eaten chinese food?: No
Made out?: yes
Thrown up?: No
Gone hot tubbing?: No
Went shopping?: yes... bad me!
Taken a test or quiz?: online??
Gone to the doctors?: no
Gone to the dentist?: nope
Seen a movie?: Yes
Which one?: hmmm war of the worlds, napoleon dynamite again, dodgeball, the truman show
Got into a big fight with a friend?: no
Who?: no one
Got into a big fight with a close friend?: nope
Random Questions..
Where were you on Halloween?: i was a girl that went on a date with a pirate (actually a guy that was going to be a pirate but got too lazy as soon as he put on eyeliner)
What are you doing this weekend?: going to nate's birthday bash, i think my mom and darla are coming to visit
Are you in a fight with any of your friends right now?: no
What's your screen name?: Emilee711
What's your favorite name for a girl?: Rebecca
For a boy?: Adam
Do you have your own computer?: yes
Do you like to watch really scary movies?: mmhmm
When's the next birthday party you're going to?: nate's
Do you have braces?: no
What color do you want to dye you hair?: dark brown
Have you ever cried over a teacher before?: yeah, bad grade
Are you gay?: ?? no