hey, i said i'd post this
it's funny it sounds like i'm really drugged out, laying in a desert with my talking birds, and one has glasses.....
On my back
Laying in a desert
I’m cold
My feet seem higher
Blood rushes to my head
I’m trapped
Stuck lying down
Alone and scared
Two birds
They sit above me
Their heads peering at me
Eye to eye
They’re vultures
They peck at me
One is wearing glasses
It’s there all the time
The other comes and goes
It passes things to the first
They laugh
As they torment me
They cause me pain
They don’t care
There is another vulture
Sometimes it’s there
But I can’t hear it all the time
The three of them talk
I cannot understand them
They use a different language
Things around me click and clack
Like metal touching a table
I hear another sound
Like a bee
Buzzing in the distance
It comes closer
Near me for a bit
Then it goes away
I can’t feel my mouth
Or my nose
My throat is numb
Dried from the cold air
I’m alone in this desert
With three vultures
Then the sounds stop
The first vulture leaves
The third disappears
The second says something
Trying to talk to me
I don’t understand
So I get up and go
Leaving my vultures in the desert