Title: Like A Virgin Author: emmaschuester Pairing/Characters: Jayma Mays/Matthew Morrison Rating: R Disclaimer: Harmless fun, no offence intended. Pure work of fiction. Spoilers: None. Summary/Author's Notes: new chapter! Enjoy.
Hi! I've been reading this fic for a while now but today is just the first time I'm gonna comment. I really like it. It's like taking a break from all the Will and Emma fics :)
Anyway, just a request, can you do a story on how they met on Glee after being separated at Nice Girls? I just really like to read on how they reacted to each other after that "almost kiss". Hahaha thanks! :)
Hi! Thank you for reading and reviewing- it's always nice to have feedback. :) That's actually a really nice idea, something I had thought about a couple of times. Who knows? Maybe I'll write it some time! I'm really swamped in real life so I have no idea when the next update will be... hopefully soon!
Comments 12
Anyway, just a request, can you do a story on how they met on Glee after being separated at Nice Girls? I just really like to read on how they reacted to each other after that "almost kiss". Hahaha thanks! :)
That's actually a really nice idea, something I had thought about a couple of times. Who knows? Maybe I'll write it some time!
I'm really swamped in real life so I have no idea when the next update will be... hopefully soon!
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