Title: Like A Virgin
emmaschuester Pairing/Characters: Jayma Mays/Matthew Morrison
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Harmless fun, no offence intended. Pure work of fiction.
Spoilers: To episode 2x18 - "Born This Way".
Summary/Author's Notes: new chapter! Enjoy.
Better late than never... )
Comments 13
Now I just feel all warm & cozy inside from this adorable chapter.
I love it when you place them in romantic situations and then we get to have them being a couple on set.
NYC Wedding, hope we get a few moments of fan mania once they hit NYC as we all know Matt is well known there. ☺
Keep writing, case I know of alot of Jaymatt fans who are reading this!
Ohhh to have a fiance/husband who doted on me so. Jayma is a very lucky girl.
I love the NYC wedding idea. His closest LA friends would be able to afford the flight and time off, his beloved Broadway pals and former roommates would be more likely to attend in NYC if they didn't have to worry about taking so much time off from the stage. (Gack! 10 am Saturday wedding, so friends could make their afternoon call? Or Monday wedding when Broadway is dark? Man, how do actors plan these things?)
It was a treat seeing you had written a new chapter. And your story is unique, so it is easy to pick up again after a hiatus, I don't have to read a few preceding chapters first to remember the storyline.
September 3rd is a Saturday, we'll see how that goes...
Glad you liked the chapter!
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