Title: Like A Virgin Author: emmaschuester Pairing/Characters: Jayma Mays/Matthew Morrison Rating: R Disclaimer: Harmless fun, no offence intended. Pure work of fiction. Spoilers: None. Summary/Author's Notes: new chapter! Enjoy.
I've been reading this story for about a year now and I just created an account so I can comment finally. I love it! Seriously keep going!! I check to see if there's a new chapter like, every day. :)
Oh, great. Can't wait for more to "Like a virgin". You could also do some Jaymatt's one shots. There are a lot of people who loves this ship. Do you have a tumblr or twitter? I'd like to talk with you a little more.
I don't know if this community is active. I put some arts in it today. We can talk with the moderators, what you think? Or do our community.
I just came across your journal and can I say OMG I'm so hooked. I was from chapter 1. This story is amazing. I love your portrayal of the characters. I love every single chapter. It is a beautiful story. There really should be Jaymatt stories out there. Looking forward to your next chapter. Looking forward to Jayma surprising him showing up while on tour. Love how you make them so loving but also showing the pressures of their very public life.
Comments 18
Hey, did you know this comunity http://jaymamatt.livejournal.com/ ? You could put your fic in it.
I didn't know that community, is it active? Thank you! I'll have a look.
I don't know if this community is active. I put some arts in it today. We can talk with the moderators, what you think? Or do our community.
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