Y'know - I was pretty certain that I'd drifted far away enough from Show to not really care about what happened in this episode, but there were moments when I got so angry I had to pause and take a walk around the hostel to shake it off, so... yay, Show! Apparently I still care.
SPOILERS under the cut.
So... free will, that's only for you? )
Comments 23
I'm sooooo sick of the resentment. At the same time, I refuse to believe that Sam didn't at least CONSIDER looking. Also: SURELY Castiel being in another dimension should have had SOME effect on his ability to keep Sam's hallucinations at bay. Or are we just going to hand wave that storyline away because apparently Carver thinks Sam is "too complicated."
I was not impressed. It also didn't help that unlike every other network, CW decided to go ahead and air Supernatural during the presidential debate,so I literally kept waiting for a commercial break just so I could switch over to the debate.
Or are we just going to hand wave that storyline away because apparently Carver thinks Sam is "too complicated."
I do get where Carver is coming from--Sam's had all this crap heaped on him, and now it's virtually impossible to accommodate him in a regular storyline without waving away his twisted, broken psyche. It's a bit of a sticky situation, really, what with two seasons of build-up toward Sam's "mutilated soul". At the same time, though, it's no excuse to completely disregard everything he's been through over the last couple of years.
unlike every other network, CW decided to go ahead and air Supernatural during the presidential debate
ROFL. Really? It seems like the network has given up any hope of getting new viewers for SPN and is pretty much expecting the show to coast on the Power of Fandom. I can't say the reasoning is entirely faulty.
Which is why I was disappointed when I heard that the plot-arc for this season was going to be yet another grand, epic thing. I was hoping for something more like the Special Children arc of s1-s2--slower to build up, sure, but no less dangerous, and a great deal more personal.
But, of course, that would mean changing the entire tone of the show. And as much as Carver wants to shake off s6/s7...
CW was just kind of like, "Nah, the people who watch our shows don't care about current events."
LOL. And people wonder why nobody takes SPN seriously.
I'm pretty sure the debate aired on a couple of channels here. I'll have to ask my brother.
I don't buy a lot of stuff as well. But I'm sure things will unfold and hopefully it will be interesting along the way. :-)
But I do wonder about the Leviathan, and why Sam kept his box of cellphones if he was well and truly OUT. Seems like only Dean has Serious Baggage™ so far, and we know that's a load of shite. But I actually liked the Purgatory scenes, especially when Benny came on board. I think I dig him ( ... )
People've really liked the Purgatory scenes--I must go back and watch them at some point. But is PBFF's name actually Benny? LOL.
Yes, Sam needs a different wardrobe
Yessssss. And you're right--a ponytail would be wonderful. It'd be a shame to cut off such lovely hair, after all.
Now that there's no Bobby, I'm hoping for a lot more of smart!Sam. \o/
Actually, the whole bit about "There was a woman. And then there wasn't." has gotten me curious about Sam's Apple Pie Year (SAPY?). Also, wasn't there a shadow ~*spying*~ on Sam as he left Amelia in the dead of the night?
Oh, and! I'm really looking forward to how Sam would react to Ruby 2.0 Benny.
Yeah, I went into the ep with SO much lack of trust in the writers, but I agree: the premier turned out to be surprisingly decent. I have renewed hope that Carver will do good by us.
I haven't watched the episode yet but my Samgirls have such horrible things to say that I actually don't feel like watching it....which is a first for me.
To watch or not to watch.... :/
Seriously, make your own mind up. I was pleasantly surprised!
I will watch it of course....cause its Supernatural. I just miss those times when I didn't mind waking up early to catch the live stream and then rushing to work. And TBH I'm fed up of the Sam-basing! I mean geez enough people!
End of rant there. Sorry for that. Pointless bitching of a rabid Sam-girl. :P
I'll be honest--I was enraged about halfway through the episode, but calmed down pretty quickly after that. Dean's resentful at Sam right now and he has a right to be; however, Sam has a pretty solid case for himself, too. It's not exactly compelling drama yet, but it has potential. Especially considering that Sam has dropped hints that there's much more to his side of the story than he's let on.
The episode, in general, is actually pretty good. Watch it! At least for Kevin. And Sam's untamed tresses. ;) And I hear the Purgatory bits are good, too, though I haven't watched them yet myself.
The idea of God's version of Blue's Clues is intriguing all on its own, but it was introduced way, way late last season as a transparent HandWaving Plot Device that would just end the Leviathan plot already. To pick up on that and say, "oh, and you know what? There's MORE where that came from!" seemed a tad ridiculous to me.
Just a tad.
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