Last year several of us started a sort of meme thing (or maybe it already existed and I wasn't aware), called the "friending frenzy," or as I like to call it, the "friendzy."
(1) answer the following questions in a comment; (2) Feel free to read other people's comments and respond to them. Mingle. Make friends. (3) Extra points if you mention this friendzy in your own lj and send people over.
Story Behind Your LJ Name:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Foreign (to you) Place to Visit:
Favourite LJ Entry of Your Own:
Picture (optional):
Now with a poll!
Poll LocationBargh! We all know I suck at making polls. I forgot the Middle East. Sorry
See Also:
frenziedfriends Unrelated Picture of the Day
Take the dive!
Akka, Israel