you never added me to begin with. but I don't really care you don't know me and I don't know you, but I just enjoy reading your journal nonetheless. nice picture, your photogaphy skills?
well ive been reading this for a while and even when i wasnt your friend i came back when it was friends only to see if you updated it anyways to always read what you wrote :x you are an amazing writer and you take really good pictures and i loveeee reading what you have to write maybe because my life is boring or maybe because you are just really interesting AND A GOOD WRITER!! <33rachel
well lets see... im not sure if i have a reason all i know it that ur entries are amazing and they make since to me and i can connect with them if that makes since.. and all of your writings and photos are very interesting, but you kno im just on here to meet new ppl and you are one of those ppl and ur cool so yea just you kno if you add me you add me if you dont im not gunna hold it against you bye, megan
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