Look. I can't prove I'm a sheep any more than anyone else here, but I could have pushed Isuzu-san out, and I didn't. I think she's a sheep, and I'm pretty sure you do too, so I'm hoping that at least earns me one conversation.
I want to contact either Killua-san or Light-san, and I'm not sure which. Any private thoughts, or have you been putting it all out there in the main post?
It's not so much that I consider her a sheep as 'less likely to be a wolf than the other choices', particularly in light of the clue. I would be a fool to deny any player a chance for conversation, at any rate; wolf or sheep, I could pick something up.
Mmn. Both of them are suspect; Killua overtly, Light not as obviously. Why would you want to contact them?
Seeing as Miss Sohma's been validated, and if Killua was the 'killer' in the previous clue, that leaves only 'rocketfuel', which implicates Reynolds. If the 'killer' was Light, however--- the Shepherd alluded to a nickname of his, 'Kira'-- then Reynolds isn't necessarily a wolf, unless the shepherd decided to put two wolves in one clue.
This is the last gamble I can make. I'm voting on Light, since he has the highest chances of being a wolf right now without being 'too obvious'; a mistake I made in judging Killua.
The shepherd's out and out said that Killua wasn't Killer- that has to be Light-san. But I'm not sure that means the chances are higher on him, just that it's him versus two other people. If Light-san is a wolf, Ash and Reynolds-san are not. If he isn't, they both are.
Heh. I could go further with that, but since you don't know I'm not a wolf myself, you'd have no reason to believe me.
In any case, I'm not trying to talk you out of casting your vote that way. So far they're equally suspicious in my eyes. I'm going to be looking back over the public posts to see if anything jumps out at me now, knowing what I do.
I don't suppose you're talking to either of them privately?
I wasn't waiting on you or Isuzu-san. You're safe. But after your votes came in, waiting seemed pointless. Even a wolf is likely to follow your lead, just to keep suspicion off him or herself.
Comments 104
Look. I can't prove I'm a sheep any more than anyone else here, but I could have pushed Isuzu-san out, and I didn't. I think she's a sheep, and I'm pretty sure you do too, so I'm hoping that at least earns me one conversation.
I want to contact either Killua-san or Light-san, and I'm not sure which. Any private thoughts, or have you been putting it all out there in the main post?
Mmn. Both of them are suspect; Killua overtly, Light not as obviously. Why would you want to contact them?
Because they're both active, they're both thinking, and I like that. Unfortunately, either of them could be a part of tonight's clue.
Do you have any reason not to contact them both separately?
As I see it, the wolves have to be either Ash, Reynolds-san, and one unknown, or Light-san and two unknowns, right?
This is the last gamble I can make. I'm voting on Light, since he has the highest chances of being a wolf right now without being 'too obvious'; a mistake I made in judging Killua.
Heh. I could go further with that, but since you don't know I'm not a wolf myself, you'd have no reason to believe me.
In any case, I'm not trying to talk you out of casting your vote that way. So far they're equally suspicious in my eyes. I'm going to be looking back over the public posts to see if anything jumps out at me now, knowing what I do.
I don't suppose you're talking to either of them privately?
So now the question is, who do you really think 'Rocketfuel' was, and which of the three uncleared do you trust most?
...I can only really say who I trust the least, which would be Lady. Alphonse being a close second.
She's bringing up the fact that Mal-san might not be safe, too, but doesn't seem to be giving it any serious consideration.
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