1: Your full name?:bryan grusecki
2: Your age?: 16
3: Favorite bands?: Not quite heros, Danger Will Robinson, nufan, reel big fish, brand new, death cab for cutie, HIM, the postal service, daphne loves derby, and alot more.
4: Favorite movies?: Napoleon dynamite, Boondock saints...i dont watch too many movies.
5: Favorite TV shows?: Dont watch too much tv.
6: How'd you find this community?: Michigan_emo promo.
7: Promote it and show the link here!:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/michigan_emo/8: What do you think of your lovely mods?: They seem cool, i dont know them, so i really cant say anything.
What's your opinion on...
9: Pre-Marital sex?: hmm, If you want to have sex before marrige, go for it. Its someones decision. Just dont be a whore.
10: Cutting?: Cutting...noone should have to cut themselves, id still love you even if you did though. It pisses me off how everyone does it to be "cool" nowadays. Some people cant help it though. I Really cant express much of an opinion about it. Ive never done it, or been close to someone who did it.
11: Gay/Lesbian Marriages?" Im all for gay marriages, Dont let religion controll your life by telling you who you can marry. Gay people should be able to love just as someone who is straight.
12: Emo?: Emo....Is there really a way to explain it? Some people Say its someone who is sad, or gets depressed easily, Or a type of emotional music. Or just being in touch with your emotions. It can be anything of the sort.
13: Love at first sight?: No. Love at first sight is silly. You cant love someone just by looking at them.
14: Drugs?: Im strongly against drugs. They mess up your life, and the people around you. Nothing good comes from them.
15: Under-age drinking?: Im against it. People who are underage dont realize the things that can happen. If someone gets slipped something or gets too drunk something might happen, and they would regret that for the rest of their life. Underage drinking is just about peer pressure and social status in school anyhow. Noone should have to drink to be liked.
16: Why do you want to be part of this community?: I saw the promo and for no reason at all just came here. and I really enjoy filling these things out.
17: Your most embaressing story is...: hmmm, probably when i was in 6th grade and was running backwards in gym and broke my wrist after i fell.
18: Relationship Status?:Single..
19: At least three clear shots of your face.
these arent really from 01, they are relatively new.