Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..
Kyaaaa~~~momo-chan i'm so late...gomenasai yo...*bows*... ---POCKY BABY CALLING--- <---love love this...hihihi.. hahaha yeah don't buy a skateboard,,,you'll hurt your butt...don'tworry i'm here to squeeze your butt...LOL..*pervie attack* hahaha...
hahahaha that was funny. especially loved the parts where yabumama and yuyanpapa were texting them!! hahahahah ooh i wonder what will happen in hokkaido. I'm rooting for DaiChii! then again, AriYama is awesome! YamaChii is.... i don't really like it but it's alright... hahahah sorry, I'm rambling.
Comments 7
it's funny!!!
uurgghh~ i must read the previous chapter now!!
*go read*
sankyuuuuuw for reading ne~~♥
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I was thinking so hard for keito's and hikaru's name..
yayaya.. they got kidnapped..
let's go save them~~
and let's fly to Hokkaido now~~
and we can get to see them...
I LOVE LONG LONG comment..
but i rarely get long comments >///<
sankyuuuuuuw for reading and commenting ne~~♥
---POCKY BABY CALLING--- <---love love this...hihihi..
hahaha yeah don't buy a skateboard,,,you'll hurt your butt...don'tworry i'm here to squeeze your butt...LOL..*pervie attack* hahaha...
LOL...stalker yo...hahaha
I don't see you on Facebook and I missed you so much nini-chan~~
nenene, share with me? xDD
Let's share and I will get Yamada there to your house.. xD if possible~
sankyuuuuuuw for reading and commenting ne :)
Will try to type the next chapter soon :)
YamaChii :)))))))))
AriYamaChii = ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
AriYamaChiitaro = ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
sorry for being random again xD
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