color:Pink.Hot Pink,like Woah pink.and black.
food:bbq chips!tee hee.
style of clothing:well i guess its kinda punkish.
tv show:degrassi
band/singer:wow theres a lot,taking back sunday,brand new,dashboard confessional,fall out boy,death cab for cutie,incubus,the weakend,motion city soundtrack,wakefield,sunny day real estate,the used,nirvana,green day,evergreen terrace,kill hannah,interpol,Blindside,coheed and cambria,finch,jimmy eat world,mest,planes mistaken for stars,thrice,saves the day,the get up kids,the anniversary,story of the year,sugarcult,the early november,bright eyes,yellowcard,atreyu,and a beautiful tradgedy.
actor:Shane west,adam brody,keanu reeves only because he was in bill and teds excellent adventure,hayden christensen.and i think thats it.
actress:Julia stiles,mandy moore,catherine zeta jones.
movie:empire records,bill and teds excellent adventure,drop dead fred,detroit rock city.
thing to do:Hang out with my bestest friend eliza and just be weird.have fun.being with her makes me happy,so its fun when im around her.
first thing that comes to mind:
hilary duff:someone who should have stayed an actress.
mary-kate or ashley:Marykate is wayy better.in my opinion.
britney spears:Good role model,but i dont really enjoy her music.
x-tina:kick ass hair.
eminem:uhm.i used to love him,but i dunno,it never actually occured to me that what he says doesnt have much meaning.
chad michael murray:Hes hott.and a good actor.
dr.suess:my childhood memories =].I love that dude.
r. kelly:ewwie.he bothers me.
micheal jackson:Nightmare on elm street.i dunno he just scares the crap outta me.
adam sandler:a god.hes so f'ing hilarious.
why you joined:My friend erica suggested i should.
how you found out about this community:my friend erica ^.
what you would like to see added:More about summer =].less promotions!but thats about it.