Name - ashlee
Age - 17
Location - detriot MI
10 favorite bands - taking back sunday poison the well AFI death cab 4 cutie a perfekt sirkul bob marley bright eyez *nsync weezer n nickelback
5 Favorite books - swell bridgette jones diary da lion da witch n' da wardrobe da giver n da necklace
5 favorite movies - pritty in p!nk (omg mally is hot) jurassic park (lol omg tim is hot) home alone (omg i luv u mccalley) 7 mile (EM IS DA BEST) n american pie (LOLOLOL)
What does emo mean to you? - itz everithang 2 me, al mi lyfe is zummed up in da lyrikz
Why do you like emo? - cuz sometymes i thk dat life SUX and i wanna slit my wriiists, conar oburzt sym0lizez my payne
Why should we accept you? - cuz ive got ur tots lol
Opinions -
Teen Sex - lol yz plz
Teen Drinking - lol like that jkwon song lol
President Bush - fuck bush!!1 he started war n war is bad mmkay
hey dis is me im sad cuz life SUX n mi hampstar dyed did mi mascara run?
ohh dis kruel lyfe Y DOZ N1 understrand mi PAYNE?!?!eleven
a gift