-the newest emo reject-

Aug 23, 2005 01:23

-The Basics-
The basic things that everyone is dying to know!
Name: Elissa Margret Brown (but please, call me Lissa or Elly ><)
Age: 14 and a half
Story behind your username: Elly, nick name. Martin, last name name of my first hardcore crush. come on i made this thing when I was younger and I didn't have the heart to get a new username.
Origins: My entire family is English, if that's what you mean.
Current location: Victoria BC, Canada

-Your favorites-
List 5 favorites for each. Then pick one from each of those five and explain why it made the list.
Bands: Fall Out Boy - I just love then, no other words. you know that full feeling you get when you eat something really good and well... filling? that's what I get when I listen to them. Taking Back Sunday - I read AP almost everyday, and I kept hearing about how cool and great they were and how everyone loved them and blah blah blah and i was just like GOD! I'll buy the goddamn album if you'll just shut up about them! ... and it turned out they were that good, and I've been listening to them since. From First to Last - I'm ashamed to say that I saw Sonny Moore and thought he was quite easy on the eyes before I even knew he was in a band, but I'm not that shallow seriously. I just really like the band, or I won't listen to the same song by them on repeat over and over would I? yah, that's what I thought. Kill Hannah - My friend Mel told to me listen to them, cause she thought I'd like them. and all I have to say, is that she was right! Butch Walker - Now, if anyone knows who is he. I love you. but you'll know that he's a pop sort of singer. I saw him as the opening act at Avril Lavinge show i went to (Shut up shut up, I'm a good cousin and took a 6 year old. ok? so don't start) and I thought he was really good. wanna hear a song? go download "Don't Move" by him, it's the best song ever
Songs:  Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy - I'll admit it. I like it cause when no ones home but me; it's the song I dance around to. there I said it *waits for mocking*. Empty Apartment by Yellowcard - I just think it's a beautifully written song, and when it's break down time. that's the one I listen to. Don't Move by Butch Walker - Go download it. you'll know. Boys and Girl by Kill Hannah - I don't know why but it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. and it makes me want to dance :D. Temporary Insanity by The Weekend - It's like it was written about me and the person i'm dating right now. it's not even funny. Go check it out.
Movies: Rock Horror Picture Show - I thought it was hilariously funny but deeply moving at the same time, just an all around go movie. Queen of the Damned - It was my favorite movie when I was 10. I was obsessed with vampires; no joke. plus, I love Ann Rice. Grease - I'm a sucker for musicals, I admit it (I seem to admit a lot of things don't I?) And I used to watch it almost everyday from the ages of 4 to 12 with my bestfriend. Nightmare Before Christmas - I love animation, I love Tim Burton. the end. The Birdcage - Best stereotypical gay movie in the world!
Books: Any book ever written by Christopher Pike - I've read every one of his books that I could get my mitts on; he's just that good. War Reporting For Cowards by Christ Ayres - I've always liked to try and keep myself up to date with the war in Iraq, especial from a British point of view (My Cousin James is fighting in the war) and this man has helped me learn a lot about what goes on there in between the soldiers. The Vampire Lestat by Ann Rice - sexy vampire + Elly + good writer = love. the end. Drumming for Dummies - the title says it all. Carrie by Stephen King - I just love this story to bits. I can just feel Carrie's pain and hatred. but i'll stop there before I sound crazy.

-Free Time-
Free space to tell us what you do in your free time! Make sure you don't miss this one.

Hmmmmm free time. Well I spend about 99.99% of my time on the computer, most of the time you can find me online at 2am. I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, Addy, online and on the phone. I am an active member in Job's Daughters, so that keeps me busy after school (It is : Not a cult, and kinda like girl guides .... but not really). I read alot of slash fanfiction, and I role play for 3 different communities on Livejournal. I am also a proud singer, both my choirs have one gold in out national  competitions :D I spend time writing songs and poems to (I've been published). and ok i'm done. No i don't have a big ego, I just stuck at telling people what i do in my free time. Sorry.

-The Old Days-
Ok, so we're getting a picture of you now, but what were you like when you were younger?
What was your favorite crayola crayon color? Fuchsia
Tell us a funny story from when you were in elementary school: Alright, so I'm in Kindergarten. it's recess. and me and all my close friends are playing in the furtherest corner of the back field. My best friend Emma goes out into the bushes (that are out of bounds mind you) and comes back with a soft ball. So being the smart kids we are, we decide to play "baseball". we get a big stick and swing it at the ball when we throw it at each other; simple enough. Well the first million times we suck and miss each other by a mile but we're having fun. Then it's my turn to "bat" and Emma is "pitching". she threw the ball. and again it came no where near the bat. but it tried to make friends with my nose. didn't work out to well. I was bleeding like crazy and we were all screaming (5 year old girls + blood = baaaaad). in the end i was alright, I did pass out, but I was alright.... Well aside from the fact that I seriously have a fear of softballs.
Go dig up a baby/childhood picture (if you can):

This is the best I can do, sorry. Me in grade 3.

-Speak Your Mind-
Tell us your opinions on these hot button topics. Answer as completely as you can, put some time into this!
Gay Rights: I'm all for it. I honestly believe gays and lesbians should have every right straight people do. and that's final
Labels: I personally think they're stupid. I don't need to be labeled as one thing when I much rather be a million things. that's like ... only having one favorite color, or candy. it's just not right
George W. Bush: I strongly dislike him, I'm not going to say hate cause hate is a strong word. but I really don't like a lot of things about him. but then again we got off on the wrong foot with my cousin being sent to war, so I might be the wrong person to ask
Straight Edge: In all honesty, I don't know enough about it to give you a fair answer. I'm sorry.
Abortion: I can see it from both sides. If you're a rape victim and you're pregnant; abort. that's totally fair. I know that if I was born from rape, I even wouldn't be to happy being alive. If you're a 20-whatever who's boyfriend forgot to use a condom; that's your own fault and you need to live with it.

-Emo Reject-
So why do you want to be here, and why do you belong? Let's find out!
How did you find out about emo_rejects? I saw a banner on LoversLie_rpg
What made you want to apply? I've never applied at a rating community before and I was curious about the process.
Why do you consider yourself emo? I guess... Maybe? I don't know, the name "Emo Bitch" comes up a lot in name calling if that counts for anythings
What music do you listen to that would make emo elitists cringe? X-tina? Kalan Porter? does that work?
What's your most dorky reject moment? My Life

-And All That Jazz-
The stuff that every community wants from you.
Promote emo_rejects in another community, and show us the link: right here
Post photos of yourself, no less than 2, no more than 5:

That's a really bad picture of me, buuuut i love that dress. i had to pimp it. sorry.

That's me on the left with James, right after he got home.

There I'm done, be happy. I look forward to any comments I might get. have fun voting, peace out.

xoxo Elly
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