spending the weekend in austin for a family get together type thing for the memorial of my grandmother hopefully this doesn't turn into the fiasco I know it's good and well capable of being austin's cool though so blah fun times
everything got completed with minutes to spare to get it submitted in time, but it did, and we were so apparently I'll be in Little Rock for the last weekend of the month
oh yeah, and I got another job with the Chemical Engineering department at UL working on fluid dynamics modeling working with a crazy expensive program which should be great experience and interesting as well, so all good
ack, I swear I should be less busy than I am but yeah oi so I am right now teaching math at UL yep just for a semester doin the adjunct route to put some money in the bank and what not, hopefully all shall go alright soon enough but yeah, looks like i'll be stuck here until next year craziness
I will elaborate soon, but for right now, gotta run