I'm The Fashion Sex!!!

Nov 29, 2004 00:36

[[About You]]

1. Name: Angelica Cruz…Just call me Angie.
2. Age: 16 years on this here planet.
3. Location: Laredo “I SO wish I were San Antonio”, TX (stolen from my friend because it’s undeniable.)
4. Sex: Female
5. Boyfriend, girlfriend: Livin’ da single life.
6. Eye color: Brown.
7. Height: 5’5”
8. Favorite Color: Black…Yes, I know it really isn’t considered a color…


9. + 10 favorite bands: Dir en Grey, Brand New, Atreyu, Queen, Pink Floyd, Orgy, My Chemical Romance, Thrice, System of a Down, The Mad Capsule Markets, Green Day, AC/DC, Mucc, Bleach…ehem. I’ll stop now.
10. + 5 least favorite bands: G-unit, Ashlee Simpson, Insane Clown Posse, Chingy, Lil’ Jon
11. Favorite lyric: From Queen’s “Bicycle Race”:
You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don’t like Star Wars
You say rolls I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don’t believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman…
12. Favorite song and/or band right now: Dir en Grey and Queen are my all-time favorites. BUT my current obsession is Atreyu. My friend lent me “Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses” and I fell in love.
13. If you had to pick 5 bands for your perfect concert who would they be and why?:
1. Dir en Grey. They’re a Japanese band and the likelihood that I’ll ever see them live is pretty slim.
2. Queen. They were simply amazing. Freddy left us too soon…
3. Selena. Another terrific artist who left us too soon. I’m not embarrassed to say that I’m a fan of her music. A.B. wrote some terrific songs that she was able to bring to life without fail.
4. Pink Floyd. A classic rock band that no longer makes music. If they were to reunite, I’d do anything to see them...I was born in the wrong decade. >.<
5. Atreyu. My current obsession. There music is poetic for metal, something I approve of.


14. Bush and Kerry: I don’t like Bush, nor am I a huge fan of Kerry. But if I were able to vote, I’d pick Kerry, no contest. Would he have made a better president? Who knows. But it sure would’ve beaten having Dubya in office for 4 more years. He’s war-crazy who turns to his daddy for help. He might believe that his intentions are good, but all he has done is sink the U.S. in a hole we can’t get ourselves out of. Kerry may or may not have been the best president, but you can't deny the fact that he had some terrific ideas for this country that would have definitely helped us if they were to pull through.
15. War: Many countries already hate us…this war we’re currently having isn’t helping much, either. Unfortunately, war is something that’s unavoidable. We can’t have the mothers of leaders sit then down and lecture them about how fighting is bad. It isn’t that simple. Some believe that war is the only way of achieving peace, but we can never achieve peace. There are just too many differences in the world. World peace is like the likelihood of Freddy Prinze Jr. getting an Oscar, or Britney Spears making a good record. It’s never going to happen.
16. Gay marriage: I’m all for it. The government can outlaw gay marriage and make it so that anyone who tries gets shot immediately. BUT there is no way they can stop someone’s love for another. Marriage is a beautiful thing. Whether it’s man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman, it’ll always be beautiful. “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”? Fuck that.
17. Abortion: I’m pro-choice. And no, I’m not going to give that tired-out rape answer. No matter the situation, a woman should make her own choices on what she wants to do with her body. If the girl believes that they’re mature enough to have sex, shouldn’t they also be mature enough to handle the consequences? If she throws herself on a man and decides to kill a baby, it’s her problem.
18. Drugs, Sex, and Violence: Drugs disgust me. I hate it, but I can’t stop anyone from destroying themselves. I’m pretty sure druggies can read and watch t.v. You’ve read/seen the part where it says it’ll kill you, right? You did?! You still want to take drugs? All right with me. I’ll be sure to make your funeral.
Sex…I’m a virgin, and I don’t plan on doing anything until I’m married. BUT if you truly love someone, and you’ve spent enough time with them to know that you’re ready to show your love and get intimate, go for it. Unfortunately, many people, teenagers even, do it just because “they feel like it”. It’s become such a common thing that it’s hard to find and true meaning behind it anymore.
Violence…I think it’s pointless. If someone were to pick a fight with me, the only reason I would fight back is if my life or the life of a loved-one was on the line. Not everyone sees it that way, however. Violence is one reason the world is destroying itself, little by little.
19. Religion: I’m Catholic, but I’m not going to live my life afraid of committing a sin, cowering in fear. Neither will I discriminate against people of other religion. It’s what they believe in. I don’t live my life following the bible, or else I wouldn’t be able to enjoy anything. But, like I said, I won’t discriminate against those who do. It’s what they believe in, and it’s what they’re truly passionate about. Also, if you happen to not be part of any organized religion at all, more power to you. I'll be joining you one day. ;)

[[Back to you]]

20. What is emofashion?: It’s who you are. It’s you representing your love of music through not only how you dress, but also how you act. Heh…corny, ain’t it? But that’s what it is to me.
21. How did you find out about our community, emofashionxcore?: vivalajustine promoted it at upyourscene.
22. Promote us in 2 places (at least 1 place should be a community and we WILL make sure that you promoted there!!): http://www.livejournal.com/community/bbrpimpsunited/5530.html & http://www.livejournal.com/community/hardcorexlosers/11094.html
23. Why should we accept you?: Because you love me. XD
24. Say something impressive.: HowMuchWoodCouldAWoodChuckChuckIfAWoodChuckCouldChuckWood! I know, I amaze even myself…

[[Show us your emofashion with at least 3 pictures and camera whore it up!!]]
Eek…Sorry for the lack of good photos. I desperately need to buy myself a digital camera…*kicks webcam*

Look! Ish muh pimpin' Ninja Turtles jacket! Ehem...>.>;; I'm done.
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