I'm the fashion sex

Nov 29, 2004 17:43

((fill out application- take two))
My puter crashed the last time I filled this out.


[[About You]]

1. Name: Samantha
2. Age: 17
3. Location: Fremont, Ca.
4. Sex: femme
5. Boyfriend, girlfriend: I have a boyfriend, Jeremy. We've been together for about 14 months.
6. Eye color: green
7. Height: a whopping 5'1"
8. Favorite Color: green


9. + 10 favorite bands:

♥ underoath
♥ Alexisonfire
♥ the Birthday Massacre
♥ Under a Dying Sun
♥ btbam
♥ As I Lay Dying
♥ Funeral Diner
♥ Planes Mistaken for Stars
♥ Muse
♥ Zao
10. + 5 least favorite bands:
♠ Limp Bizkit
♠ Mest
♠ Rancid
♠ Operation Ivy
♠ Fat Kid Running
11. Favorite lyric: "I spun my head when I thought you were talking to me. I guess I'm just a fool for thinking you're thinking of me" Switch by From Autumn to Ashes

I seem to feel that way more often than I'd like... Boys have that effect on me.

12. Favorite song and/or band right now: All things Underoath... old and new.
13. If you had to pick 5 bands for your perfect concert who would they be and why?: The Blood Brothers, Underoath, the Calico System, Brand New, and Muse... just cause I want to see those bands live at the moment.


14. Bush and Kerry:

Kerry: The man can memorize statistics and numbers really well, but he didn't seem to have a clue as to what he was going to do after being elected if he were to win. It was hard for me to take him seriously since he was running his campaign saying "He's not Bush". It came off as immature and it was like saying the fact that he is not Bush is the only good thing he had going for him. Deep down, I think Kerry's plan to end the war was to get us all killed. Yeah...

Bush: I didn't like him too much either, but I feel like his ability to lead is a little bit stronger than Kerry's. I also didn't see it as a good political move to change presidents in the middle of the war. I don't really feel to comfortable about his motives for the war, but we'll see where the next four years will bring us. Hopefully somewhere... Bush needs to get his act together.
15. War: I wish war wasn't ever necessary, but I'm not about to say "dont go to war" if it's an act of defense.
16. Gay marriage:

I think the reason the issue exists is because of religious beliefs and comfort zones. Gay couples live together and that doesn't hurt anyone. They should be able to make it official like the rest of us because... it still wouldn't be hurting anyone. If the Bible huggers have a problem with it, I think they should take a moment to consider that they are not God. They do not know if God would really condemn them for all eternity for being gay, so they should just butt out. Even if they would be condemned for it, it is their choice. Other people have no right to force their beliefs on others (If Bible hugger offends anyone... I've been brought up with Christian beliefs and I consider myself a Bible hugger.. lol).

17. Abortion: It's a woman's body and her conscience. I, personally, dont think abortion is fair to the baby but I think the option should still be there.

18. Drugs, Sex, and Violence:
Drugs: If it's your thing, that's cool. It's not mine.
Sex: If you're ready for the emotional crud and consequences that sex brings and you use protection, go for it. I think sex is friggin amazing... haha.
Violence: Violence sucks. Especially when the nu metal kids decide they want to try to beat the shit out of the hardcore kids at shows. It's ridiculous. Hate crimes at shows... -sigh- Usually the hardcore kids win, though. Violence is only acceptable as self-defense.

19. Religion: I think there is a correct belief for every individual out there no matter what it is rather than a single belief that everyone has to follow. It's a weird theory, but it's mine.

[[Back to you]]

20. What is emofashion?: mad hot sex0rz to the max0rz
21. How did you find out about our community, emofashionxcore?: Justine
22. Promote us in 2 places (at least 1 place should be a community and we WILL make sure that you promoted there!!): hot_society and http://www.livejournal.com/users/xkillingmadison/71004.html?thread=900444#t900444
23. Why should we accept you?: Cuz Justine loves me, music is where my heart is at, I spend the majority of my life playing guitar or piano, and I'll promote.
24. Say something impressive.: I can't think of anything so I'll leave you with a poem:
Rive a sliver into the sky
of which glistening stars will fall through
Along with the speckled lights
You dispose of a brilliant crescent, too...
For you've turned your back
and left me here
to wither and writhe
into a faded memory...
S.C.G.(aka me)
[[200x200 picture]]




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