Spell Out Your Name Using Bands:
e. town concrete
5 Kick Ass Bands
*avenged sevenfold
5 Awesome Movies
*the nightmare before christmas
*ace ventura
*edward scissorhands
*finding nemo
*bruce almighty
5 Super Books
*the hellbound heart
*the great and secret show
*you don't know me
*anne rice's the vampire lestat
Why are you emo?i love emo music,i like singers who write emotional songs that ou can identify your self with
Why are you fuckin hot?my hair and lippy( my lip ring)
You're favorite emo singer? And...why? spencer chamberlain because he is a really good singer and a really good lyricist
Opinions on...
*Abortion-i think it is the person's choice.no one can stop her and it's her decision not any one elses
*Suicide-i think it's taking the easy way out,the person doesn't think about others and their reactions.i'm against it
*Drugs/Alcohol-i think they are disgusting habits,it's self-destructive and dumb,but i have respect for other pople opinions about it
*Pre-marital Sex-i think it's all about feeling....if they feel comfortable and care for each other that much then more power to ya
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