my name is Rebecca Catheryne Mitchell. i changed the spelling of my middle name.
i was born March 30, 1991. the day before Easter
i used to live in Allentown, PA. their mayor owns my old house.
now i reside in Burlington, VT
i have brown hair and brown eyes
i feel naked and ugly without mascara on
i have a birthmark on the bottom of my right foot
i'm nearsighted and wear contacts
i used to wear braces. now i just have perfect teeth
i hate flossing
i play guitar, bass, piano, and sing
somehow i lost the ability to read music and can only read it by the names of the notes
my favorite band is Fall Out Boy
i have a billion notebooks i write in
i have a love/hate relationship with every boy on the fucking planet
i love the color pink
i can wear sizes 7- 8 1/2 in shoes. womens.
im addicted to dark chocolate
i've become an insomniac
i cried whenever i have some kind of intense emotion. (sad, embarrassed, overwhelmed, etc)
i enjoy being alone
i have never done anything sexual with a guy. at all.
my favorite movies are the Lion King, Almost Famous, and Nightmare Before Christmas
i am a Christian
i am a vegetarian
i hate Bush with a passion
i drink juice a lot
i had Mono when i was in 6th grade. i was out of school for almost 3 weeks
i'm a romantic
i'm extremely envious/turned-on by boys who look better in girls jeans than me
i've been eating lots of soup lately
i play basketball. not well.
i love getting compliments.
i'm a person of color at heart
my best friend is awesome
i love all of my friends and would do most anything for them
lip gloss is my drug of choice
sleeping in makes me happy
the color yellow always makes me think of pee
i love to dance
color christmas lights are the best
no one calls me cause once i said i hate to talk on the phone. its not true anymore
i love spinach
i have a livestrong bracelet, but dont wear it because its lost its meaning
generally, i like animals more than people
black olives were my fave food when i was little
i love getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist
i missed a lot of stuff about me
thanks for being patient