Jun 29, 2004 09:21

<1> Have you ever stood on a boulevard in the middle of the road and waved at random cars as they passed? No.

<2> Did they wave back? No.

<3> Are you one of those annoying people that scream "No I will not have sex with you!" in the middle of the movie? I yell "I love porn" sometimes, But not DURING the movie.

<4> Do you have a headache? No.

<5> Do you have cabin fever? No.

<6> Are you doing spring cleaning? No.

<7> Do you like the Offspring? No.

<8> Does your name have a W in it? No.

<9> Are you menstruating? Well, no.

<10> Do you know what circumcision is? Oh Yes.

<11> One pillow or two? 4 pillows and many beautiful ladies.

<12> Last place you went in a car? Subway, the one downtown.

<13> What colour was the car? Silver.

<14> What are you wearing? A Taking Back Sunday shirt and Orange boxers.

<15> How many bathrooms are in your house? Two!

<16> Fat Lip or In Too Deep? IF I had to choose it would be Fat lip.

<17> Weirdest colour you've painted a room in your house? Green and tan.

<18> Is your hair wet? No, but I'm going to shower.

<19> Who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray? Chad Michael Murray, I hate his show One tree hill but he's hotter then UNIBROW boy.

<20> Do you even know who Chad Michael Murray is? Clearly.

<21> What does your shower curtain look like? No shower curtain.

<22> What was the last thing you said? "What a good commercial."

<23> Are you talking to anyone on instant messenger? Beth.

<24> What do your slippers look like? I wear Moccasins.

<25> Where do you keep your vacuum? Basement closet.

<26> Are you wearing deodorant? Not right now.

<27> Are there any ceilings in your house that aren't white? No.

<28> Do you like to go into chat rooms and annoy people? Yes, man it's really fun.

<29> Who would you want to be stuck in an elevator with? Lindsay Lohan, Hillary Duff, KRISTIN KREUK, My bands if we have all of our equipment.

<30> Are you ghetto fabulous? I wish.

<31> Do you like stickers? Yeah, I put them on my guitar cases.

<32> Do you like Mad Libs? Sometimes, if the lights are down low, and the mood is right.

<33> Have you ever volunteered? Yes. Senior's tea what!

<34> Where is the nearest Kleenex box located? No where? I don't know.

<35> Don't you hate school Kleenex? It's aiiighhhtt!

<36> Have you ever given head? ONLY TO MYSELF HAHAHAHA HAH AH AHA HA AH HA HHAHAH !!!

<37> Are you suicidal? Never.

<38> Crawling or In The End? IF I had to choose, Crawling.

<39> Is your window open? No.

<40> What was the last pair of shoes you bought? Converse like 806809875096406000 years ago.

<41> Do you have a little brother? Nope. I have a little sister.

<42> does he draw you cute pictures? Nope, neither does my sister.

<43> Do you have an older brother? Yes.

<44> Does he have hot friends? He has a fiance. She's pretty.

<45> Where do your grandparents live? One lives up by the Thames on Harris park the other lives in Windsor.

<46> Do you have a rubber chicken? I have a rubber face mask that looks like Dr. Evil.

<47> What do you think of when you hear the word click? Clicker, or REMOTE CONTROL.

<48> Are you a moron? MORMON!?! But..I'm from earth!

<49> Do you cut yourself? If by cut you mean love then yes I do.

<50> What do you do during study hall? Eat subs like MAD WHOA!

<51> Does your school have open campus? No, because they're all gay homos.

<52> What's your favourite salad dressing? Thousand Island, Ranch, Vinigrette and blood.

<53> Do you like trampolines? Oh yeah!

<54> Do you like cheese? It's AMAZING.

<55> Which is better, tank tops, halter tops, tube tops or none of the above? Hot Nakedness. Tank tops.

<56> Did you see American Pie 2? YEs.

<57> Have you ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum? The carpet.

<58> Do you talk to Smarterchild? I am the "Smarterchild".

<59> How old will you be in 30 years? 46.

<60> Who will you be in the 30 years? A Rckstar, Director or Teacher.

<61> How will you dress in 30 years? Conservative like.

<62> Are you deaf? Yes.

<63> Are you blind? I think it's obvious.

<64> What do you think of depressed people? They need the most love.

<65> What are you eating? I was eating REESE PUFFS.

<66> Last movie you rented? Momento.

<67> Last movie you saw in the theater? Shrek 2.

<68> Would you consider yourself sexy? Oh yeah, I rock the sex.

<69> Haha 69!!! Gay.

<70> Have you ever made up a song to remember something for a test? I know Caitie Mathers has.

<71> Have you ever been to Canada? Unfortunatly, I live here.

<72> Doesn't it suck? YESSSSS!!!!!!

<73> Have you ever been to California? No.

<74> Have you ever been to Nebraska? No.

<75> Do you have braces? No, I need them on my bottom teeth.

<76> What colour are they? They would be blue I guess?

<77> Who was the last person you talked to on im? Phil Scott! I love him.

<78> Last thing you ate? REESE PUFFS.

<79> Is your hair straight, wavy, or curly? Straight.

<80> What time is it? 12:03 PM.

<81> What did you do today? Just got up. But I have guitar lesson, band practice tonight and I'm seeing FARENHEIT 9/11.

<82> or Neither, they suck.

<83> Are you a vegetarian? No, I'm against it. PETA (People eating tons of animals) Rules!.

<84> What's your locker number? 499.

<85> What's the combination? I only know the motion to unlock it, I forget the combo.

<86> Wanna make out? Well, I'll make out with the first one to offer, If no one offers even better, I won't have to move.

<87> You guys want some cookies? Haahahahahaahahaha.

<88> Are you comfy? Yes. Extremely.

<89> Right now, who is all in your house? My Sister and I.

<90> Are you paranoid? No.

<91> Are you only filling this out to avoid doing your homework? No, I'm owning the summer right now.

<92> Do you like the name Jimmy? It's a short form for my middle name so yeah. Plus, it's tough.

<93> What do you think of when you hear the name Mark? Holoden. I hate that kid.

<94> Kristin? KREUK!!!!!! I LOVE HER.

<95> Zoe? Chloe from SMALLVILLE!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SHOW.

<96> Jamie? Kennedy.

<97> Adam? Lazzara.

<98> Carmen? "where in the world is carmen sandiego, hahaha" I definitely thought the same thing as both BEKI and LINDSAY.

<99> Do you like Michelle Branch? She's Tolerable.

<100> Where would you like to be now? Bike riding.

<101> Weirdest thing that happened to you recently? That thing with Will and Nate that I caught on video, that was so awkward. (There was no making out.)

<102> Craziest thing you did recently? Punching Liberal signs and knocking them down while lighting of FIRECRACKERS on peoples doorsteps.

<103> Do you have to pee? No.

<104> Do you like fluffy yogurts? Maybe.

<105> Don't you hate that when you have to watch the baby being born in health class? Haha Yea.

<106> Do you like the Sims? YES! YES! YES!

<107> Do you like away messages? Absolutely not.

<108> Isn't that weird how hair gets lighter in the sun but skin gets darker? I suppose if you are gay or something.

<109> Do you burn or tan? Tan.

<110> Scotch tape or masking tape? Duct.

<111> Frozen yogurt or ice cream? Ice Cream.

<112> Do you like pineapple on your pizza? No....Ew.

<113> How about anchovies? Same as above.

<114> Do you have people on your buddy list that u never talk to? I try to talk to peeps.

<115> Do you close the lid after you pee? Yes.

<116> Do you go to church? Yes, every Sunday.

<117> Pen or pencil? Pen.

<118> Do you have any of those mechanical pencils that cost like $6? No.

<119> Aren't they a waste of your money? Yes.

<120> Are you parents divorced? Nope. They wuv eachother.

<121> Do they hate each other? Like I said.

<121> Do you talk to losers? Yea.

<122> If you like rainbows, does that mean you're gay? Yes.

<123> Do you make a wish at 11:11? No.

<124> Do you celebrate St. Nick's Day? I don't drink really or get drunk at all so no.

<125> What song is in your head? None right now.

<126> Do you want to be like Jared? That Ex-Fat Subway guy? No.

<127> Have you ever shaved? Yes.

<128> Do you like Oreos with peanut butter? Not really.

<129> Is your hair its natural colour? Yes.

<130> What colour are your nails? The colour all nails normally are.

<131> Do you have a backpack? Yes.

<132> What colour is it? Blue.

<133> Does it have keychains and buttons and stuff on it? No, nu-metal kids do that.

<134> Do you fake sick a lot? During school.

<135> What time is it now? 12:15 PM.

<136> Do your relatives get along? Yep.

<137> Who is cooler, your mom's relatives or dad's relatives? Mom's.

<138> Have your eyes been the same colour your whole life? No. The were Navy when I was born and as a child now they are grey.

<139> What's the earliest memory you have? The backseat of my car listening to the Beatles.

<140> Is it true that the early bird gets the worm? Sometimes it is.

<141> Have you ever played Monopoly? It's a great game.

<142> Did you see the movie Get Over It? Yeah. Hahaha.

<143> Do you like Jimmy Eat World? I used to really enjoy them.

<144> What about Ludacris? I actually LOVE HIM to death.

<145> Monsters Inc or Shrek? Shrek AND Monsters INC. YEa!

<146> Do you like to abuse people's guestbooks on their web site? Noo..Not so much.

<147> Aren't babies overrated? No, It's new life.

<148> Do you have any kids? None I know about.

<149> Do you wish you did (if you don't)? No.

<150> How long did this take you? The equivalent of 35765098762053763987306397566 Trips around the earth.

<151> Aren't you glad it's over? I suppose although, I have grown accustomed to your face.

Mike P, xoxo.
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