Title: Redire
emorial For: Nobody.
Characters: Kamina
Warnings: Spoilers - episode eight, death fic.
Rating: K
Genre: Angst, Tragedy.
Pairings: Kamina/Yoko
Summary: Yoko saves Kamina, only to have an end result in a similar fashion.
Perhaps it would had been better to never tell her to watch his back that morning.
Then again, it wasn’t as if he’d seen something so painful being shot at him like this. His words, his thoughts, were always spoken right on the spot. He trusted her, and his trust didn’t go to waste. How could it when she was the one to take the blow that would have condemned him to a place where he couldn’t even see the light pierce through the heavens?
Skin on skin contact was inevitable as she lay in his arms. One sliding around her back to support her and hold her close, the other brushing strands of hair from her paling face. Even her body heat had been drained by the time he made his way to the place she had fallen. She was a strong girl - the strongest of the lot of them, he thought - so why wouldn’t she have been able to hold out until tended to? Kamina couldn’t piece anything together on how she wasn’t even responding, let alone not breathing, when he knelt down and scooped her up.
To see her body like this; it almost made him wish he didn’t have to. Wasn’t she smiling mere hours ago? Laughing at the stupid way he promised to return what she gave him ten times over (even if he had found that amazingly witty to respond with. ) Nothing could have prepared him for those lips that held that happiness to be doused in a light shade of blue.
Death hadn’t been something Kamina saw when speaking to her that first, and last, moment their lips touched.
Anger swelled up inside. He’d felt it many times before, mostly of petty subjects on the chief of the village not allowing him to succeed, but it was all the same. “Just who the hell do you think you are?! You can’t die yet!”
Echoes through the field bounced of the rain drops falling from the sky. Smoldering ambers being doused with the tears from the heavens, just like the many tears being shed and drowning the hearts of those who witnessed the rescue of Kamina - the final shot of Yoko.
Fading, crimson fires in the background ceasing to exist. A woman’s soul fading into nothing but a small memory in the hearts of others; like a bonfire leaving scorch marks on the stones around it to provide proof of the flame’s brilliant existence.