Bronx Drabble Collection Part One: "Paint that Kiss"

Jan 25, 2009 20:09

Bronx Drabble Collection
Part One: "Paint that Kiss"

By emorockkid 
PG, Pete/Patrick (hints of Ashlee/Pete), Bronx-centric
Beta'd by letogyllenhaal 
All lies and I didn't mean to offend Ashlee, I'm just a huge Peterick fan.

The sounds from the basement are muffled, but still loud enough that Ashlee's supposed to hear them anyways. Turning her head to the side, she is able to peak out of the window, bright yellow sunshine flashing her beautiful features and giving her red hair a nice glow.

Usually they had helpers in their home who did stuff like preparing lunch, doing the dishes and all other things that superstars probably didn't do themselves. But since the birth of their lovely toddler, the young woman enjoyed being a mum with all of the typical aspects as often as possible.

She finishes the last plate, drying and settling it back to its usual place in the cupboard, when the music comes to a sudden stop. But she knows her husband and Patrick well enough to guess they just got distracted by any awesome idea - might it be the stupidest one their minds ever brought to them - or discuss about an absolutely perfect line of lyrics they 'totally have to add to this one special song', even if it was finished long ago.

A smile spreads over her dark red lips; it's probably the first intention anyways.

She folds the towel, putting it on the window bench so that the sun could take away the wetness and starts making her way through the big glass door in the living room that leads to the huge, perfect garden that's also equal to a child's paradise, containing the swing set, a tree house, a tiny slip'n'slide and anything else that Pete wanted to see in there rather for himself than his 5 year old son.

Ashlee spots dark brown messy hair on the purple kid's table close to Rigby's house, where Bronx obviously took a seat, not doing any noise. The younger one of the dogs lies next to his feet, not only for having something to snuggle on, but because it's the place where the most shadow usually was - Rigby is a little bit diva-ish in her behavior.

The small boy leans on the table, eyes fixed on a blank paper and the oil crayons that Ryan brought with him on his last visit spread all over the space around him. His tongue pokes out between the pink lips and sends a smile to Ashlee's heart. It's unbelievable how much of his dad he got in his own personality. Especially being that loud and full of life.

"Baby, is mommy allowed to see what you are painting there?" she asks, stroking his slightly long hair out of his forehead. He nods simply, almost throwing away the black crayon in his little hand and grabbing the corners of the paper, holding it up.
Scribbled rather blurrily, there are two human beings, one of it is wearing a hat and Ashlee thinks this is meant to be Bronx' secret 'uncle' Patrick, who of course used to stick to the little family more than anybody else did.
Next to him is a rather thinner boy with red pants and a blue sweatshirt, black hair poking into his eyes caused by the toddler's loss of exactness in drawing. And she gets that this is Pete. The only thing she doesn't get is what the position they are in should show.
Only that they are sticking together in some way.

"What are Daddy and Pat doing there, Bronx?" she wants to know, keeping her voice straight to not sound amused or maybe even pissed, nothing to influence the kid.
"You not see it, mommy?" he asks, throwing his head back to shoot the brightest and happiest beam to his beloved, pretty mom. He exposes his teeth while his grinning, before he adds the real answer:
"They are kissing!"

Now playing: Fall Out Boy - Tiffany Blews
via FoxyTunes   

pg, drabble, fall out boy, pete/patrick

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