Jul 03, 2006 18:58
What do I do wrong?
The boy is so amazed and happy with me then BAM it all turns around. He gets distant and little by little it all just goes away. I feel ugly, annoying, and not worth his time. I hate this, I would love to just fall asleep and not wake up...because I can't do this again or anymore.
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Comments 2
things are wonderful then suddenly everything is uneasy and weird....
I dunno, I tend to speak up about and ask why there's distance, but I dunno in some cases there's always distance and then I don't want to work so hard when the other person doesn't want to even try at all.
I know it sucks but such is relationships....
have to keep going through crap till you find the right one.
Don't be sad face....
You know very well Sarah, not ugly, not annoying, and if you're "not worth his time" errrmmm really not someone you should have lovey dove feelings for... since.... I dunno, love's not about worth time, or worth anything, it's just about love, and respect... and no respect = no love....
best of luck to you girly girl...
Don't let assface's get ya down.... believe it or not...
we're all dealing with it one way or another....
-That Ryan Kid no one ever hears from anymore
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