What the fuck is up with everyone, i mean why the fuck does does everyone resort to drugs soooooo much i mean whats the appeal, are perples lives just so shit these days that thats all there is, i fucking cant stand it...i mean i know its personal choice and all thet bullshit but i mean come on its hard to be friends with people who are always just
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I just watched the new show on e4 "My name is Earl" and its really good...well i think so anyways its all about karma and stuff....some guy trying to set his life straight using karma its quite funny, i mean i wasnt in stiches or anything...but it also has its deep side to it..all in all good show
The moon is sooo bright tonite, my hallway is actually lit up just by the light from the moon alone its amazing! also the clouds are moving so fast, its so odd
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So today was a well earned, well spent day off filled with sleeping, laughter, japany's, coldness, crackers, k's, shoes, scales, cinema, subway, american people and many other things of enjoyment! :D
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