"Man! Figures the first game of the season and some jackass has to go pulling the fire alarm," Wallace threw his duffle bag over his shoulder. He'd been looking forward to the opening game against American International College. Wanted to show off his mad freshman b-ball skills...
"That really is a kick in the crotch," The senior, Luke Ward commented, pretty sure they could have beaten those international wannabes. Most of them were Asian computer geeks anyway. Luke swung his arms over Alex and Wallace's shoulders. Aside from his deep hatred for any opposing basketball team, he was a really nice dude.
"Yeah, we do not know each other well enough to be this touchy feely 'dude'" Alex moved away from the overly friendly basketball player. She tended to reserve the privilage of touching her to really attractive people. In particular that fine looking doctor at Wakefield General...
"Take it easy on the guy Alex," Wallace muttered as they headed out to the quad, all plunking down at an uncomfortable stone bench. He happened to have it in really good authority that Luke had a huge crush on Alex. Which he personally didn't understand considering Alex seemed to be hostile to most men folk.
"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Luke asked, enthusiastically hoping the answer was nothing.
Alex nudged Wallace in the ribs, "We're going out. To a sold out concert. Yeah," She gave him a look, "We bought our tickets like waaaay in advance. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go get ready. I'll see you tonight."
Wallace and Luke watched as Alex beat a hasty retreat to her dorm.
"So...are you...you know...hitting that?" Luke asked once Alex was out of earshot.
"Oh HELL no," Wallace laughed. "We're tight, but we're not that tight."
"Oh...Good. Good. Because I was thinking of asking her out some time and I mean, I didn't want to be encroaching on your territory," Luke fretted with the basketball in his hand.
Wallace clapped him on the back, "Good luck with that dude."
In the middle of Alex's retreat, she ended up bumping into Piz, "Hey!" She said brightly. Her eyes narrowed almost as soon as she saw who he was with; Ruby. She made the instant decision to ignore her and just concentrate on Piz, even though the two seemed to be holding hands like one of those lovey dovey couples...
"I was wondering if you were up for another Wii marathon, sans alcohol of course-"
"You know I'd really like to but I'm kind of busy tonight," Piz rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. Ruby siddled closer to him, shooting a secret smug glance at Alex.
"Oh. Well if you find yourself unbusy..."
"Yeah thanks. I'll keep that in mind," Piz was looking a little antsy, shifty. Alex glared at Ruby. Something told her that Ruby was going to be a bad influence on her freshman pet. She walked off, pissed. If he was going to be so easily manipulated by that bitch, that was fine by her.
Piz wanted to say something. Yeah Alex was a bitch somedays, but she was his pseudo friend. He was pretty sure she was the one who was nice enough to put pants on him before the ambulance picked him up yesterday. But right now he had a damsal in distress to take care of an illegal activity to commit.
"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Ruby gripped Piz's arm, looking up at him with watery eyes.
Piz nodded, just a little too nervous to say anything. He was pretty sure his palms were sweating, but if Ruby didn't mind, he didn't mind. Hell, it even made him feel... unstoppable. He took a deep breath in.
"Let's do this thing."
They snuck into Professor Suresh's lab and locked the door behind them. Right away they started riffling around his desk, looking for the samples and any possible results he may have managed to produce.
"Got 'em," Piz found the rack with the labelled samples. There were vials with his and Ruby's names on them, along with 4 others. Labelled 'subjects #1-4'". That made him worry, but he shook it off, " So what do we do now?"
"Switch it."
"With whos? Switching it with his test subjects would probably not work..."
"With yours idiot. Come on let's go before we get caught."
Piz nodded once more. He peeled Ruby's name label off her vial of blood and swapped it with his. His parents were pretty liberal, he was sure they wouldn't mind if they found out he was on Prozaac. Even though he wasn't really...
They were just about to leave when something caught his eye.
"Mutated DNA presenting as special abilities"
"Let's Go!"
Piz grabbed the paper and dashed out the door with Ruby. They kept on running until they reached the safety of her dorm room.
She slammed the door shut and leaned against it, chest heaving just a bit. She may look smoking, but it sure as hell wasn't from working out.
"Wow talk about an adrenaline rush," She threw herself onto her bed. "You are now an official badass Piz."
"I've-I've never done something so not legal before..." Piz paced the room, running his hands through his hair until it stuck up at all weird angles.
"Would you relax," Ruby grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed beside her. Adrenaline tended to make her a little...frisky.
"What do you think Professor Suresh is testing for?"
"Shut up." Ruby pushed Piz back against her pillows, straddling his lap. She was going to turn this boy into a man. She stripped her shirt off, smiling to herself as she felt his breath hitch. Yup, this was going to be fun.
Alex sat on Wallace's couch waiting for him to get ready. She hadn't 100% lied about the concert. She'd just lied about it being sold out and even remotely awesome. "Come on Wallace. You're harshing my buzz by making me wait."
Wallace made sure his hair was perfectly quaffed before stepping out of his bedroom.
"You have to promise that if you freak out you wont ruin my hair."
"What are you talking about Wallace?"
"I may have invited Luke to come with us. Which may have made me undo your lie about a sold out concert."
The Question Remains:
Will Alex freak out?
Did Piz become a man?
What is Professor Suresh working on?
Stay tuned!