Dec 13, 2009 02:20

I know it seems SOOO unfair to pit these two different genres against each other, but whatever. I am that bored so SUCK IT. The outcome of this battle royale is not only to determine the best character out of these two fandoms, but to see on a category to category basis which fandom wins the most times. Arbitrary rules I made up RIIIIGHT now.

As I do these character analysis, I'm recording it on my board of doom. because I can.

Category 1: The trusty Side kick
Sam VS R2D2

Sam Wise Gamgee
Literal translation: Half Wit
Species: Hobbit
Weaponry: Pots and Pans, Sword of Westernesse, Rocks
Personality Traits of Note: Loyal, steadfast, true, Incorruptible (as shown when he resisted the ring), brave
Character developement: Went from a sheltered gardener to determined to walk into the gates of hell to save the world. Leaves Frodo for a spell, but then remember's he's awesome and Gollum's creepy
In the End: Helped Frodo get the ring to Mt. Doom, consequently saving the worldR2D2
Species: Astro Droid
Weaponry: taser, Jets, Oil Spill, gripping tool, buzz saw
Personality: resourceful, Spunky, brave, the little droid who thought he was human
Character Development: He doesn't really develop per se, he's mostly there to balance C3P0's annoying know it all ness
In the End: He saves the day countless days, keeping the hero alive to actually defeat the Imperial powers and thus, the GALAXY. However he also saved Anakin's butt countless times, and though it counts towards his loyalty, saving Anakin kept a powerful wannabe sith alive....Verdict: Tough. Very Tough. They're both intregal to the plot lines of their respective series. They're both loyal and brave. In the end though, I'd have to rule in favour of R2D2. If I were ever in a combat situation (appropriate for their respectful geekdoms) I would choose to have a multi-tooled Astro Droid over an easily killed if not for random happenstance sentient being at my side. I took into account the humanity aspect, and considering Artoo attempts to be a person, it does make for okay conversation. After I learn to speak Droid of course....

Category 2: Protagonist
Frodo Baggins VS Luke Skywalker

Frodo Baggins
Species: Hobbit
Weaponry: A sword named Sting, the One ring (invisibility)
Personality: Courageous,emo, well meaning, tired
Character Growth: From a small world Hobbit, Frodo grew into a Hobbit of the world, travelling across Middle Earth on a quest to destroy the one ring. He meets many pitfalls along the way and sometimes whines about how hard it is to be the bearer of this burden.
In the End: Frodo saves the world by destroying the ring (admittedly, after he attempted to get away with the ring, but to be fair, it WAS the ring talking). He also becomes incredibly emo (again, because of the ring) But his Sam keeps him on the path of the right He and his weather worn friends return to the shire and after he finishes his memoirs, Frodo sails off into the sunset with the Elves.Luke Skywalker
Species: Human
Weaponry: Lightsaber (ever since he got that, he's too good for blasters), The Force
Personality: Emo, brave, determined, annoying, cocky, loyal, conflicted
Character Growth: From a whiney moisture farmer on Tatooine, Luke grows up to become a cocky (and still whiney) Jedi, able to yeild the force for good. He has to kill his dad and destory the Imperial's who are trying to take over the galaxy.
In the End: Luke loses a lot. He loses his first kiss-inity to his sister. He loses a hand. He loses his Jedi master and he loses his first lightsaber (an heirloom I might add). Oh and he loses his aunt and uncle. Woops. HOWEVER he wins in the battle against the forces of good and evil and saves the Galaxy (with a little help from his friends).Verdict: Both these protagonists came from pretty dysfunctional families. Frodo's Uncle left him a ring that brought on early onset menopause and Luke's dad cut off his arm. But still Frodo. One Million Times Frodo. I'm sorry, but as a sidekick, I think I can put up with Frodo's occasional temper tantrums better than I would Luke's continuous whining and uglification. Though Luke admittedly has the better weapons, Frodo has less emotional and familial issues, which I think makes for a steadier protagonist on the sanity scale. and I'm sorry, but the only way you could have won this round from my biases, would be I replaced your head with Jared Padalecki's and gave him a lightsaber. No amount of Force could ever make you look sexy. So I choose cute and stable! FRODO <3

Category 3: The Secondary Hero
Aragorn VS Han Solo

Species: Human (But raised by elves!)
Weaponry: Many swords and daggers, the most notable being Anduril, reforged from the shards of the sword that killed Aragorn. Pretty snazzy.
Personality: loyal, strong, brave, determined, infailible
Character Growth: A man running away from a past and a destiny he doesn't want, he proves to be a charismatic leader and determined to give his life for what's right.
In the End: He is willing to sacrifice his (and everyonen else's) life to buy time for the possibility that Frodo was inside Gondor. It was a well placed gamble, the world is saved and He becomes King of Gondor, his destiny.

Han Solo
Species: Human
Weaponry: Blaster, Wookie, Millenium Falcon
Personality: Scoundral, cocky, sarcastic, lovable, shoot first, ask questions later, badass.
Character Growth: A man running away from a bounty, Han Solo is a man out for himself. Eventually he learns to love the equally badass Princess Leia and finds a soft spot in his heart for the Rebellion. He proves himself to be an able leader.
In the End: Han, along with the other rebels, beat the Imperial army and save the galaxy. He also wins the Princess of his dreams.Verdict: Oh Han. You know if it were a hotness competition, you would win in an instant. If it was a Character development contest you would win too! But in a fight, you're unreliable. Gutsy is one thing, which you are, but unreliable is something that doesn't really fly with me. Yeah, you always came back and saved the Rebellion's ass out of the goodness of your heart (or possibly your love of glory and fighting) but alas, this round goes to Aragorn. Aragorn will be the one who's gutsy (without being unreliable).

I hate to interrupt ya'll while you're enjoying this battle royale, but I just gotta say I'm really tired and am going to bed. But I love ya'll. I just need some sleep more than I care about finishing this.

crack, random

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