This is the comic that inspired the conversation that follows:
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
AHAHAHAHA I'd watch it.
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
It's so brilliant, I kinda wanna make my own Star Wars spin off. Mind that would require me to WORK for George Lucas, but I think I'd make the sacrfice for the kind of cash he manages to haul in on a daily basis
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
star wars babies
ahahaha kid Han Solo would be such a bitch
and Luke would whine about EVERYTHING even MORE
HAHAH it'd be like kid Sam and Dean
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
Except less angst and more incest?
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
How are Han Solo and Luke incestuous?
or do you mean Samn'Dean?
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
I meant Luke and Leia lol
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
OH lol well that yes, MORE incest there
or maybe not
depends on what mood I'm in
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
Depends on the funny bell curve incest is sitting at
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
right now, it's not as funny
right now wincest isn't cool, but it varies week to week for me
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
mine usually goes changes in proportion to the amount Dean cries and how much Sam looks like he wants to hold him
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
that works too
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
and then there's the season wide incest curve which, is self explanitory: changes with the season
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
well for me, the wincest has been killed since Sam chose Ruby over Dean at the end of last season
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
That'll do it.
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
like that's a real wincest boner killer
Sam's got too much guilt and Dean won't ever trust Sam as much so it's sorta just blah for me
So when the DJ starts playing the Safety Dance, don't get mad. Just turn off the safety....and DANCE says:
i do concure.
but i also note that their chemestry seems to be at an all time low, which doesn't help matters either
Alyssa. lol matt boner says:
yup that'll do it also
it's cuz they broke up in rl and Jared is doucher that picked a bitch over Jensen
they're probably trying to be friends but it's like stressful and it shows
Dean/Castiel is my fanfic drug of choice now