Feb 05, 2010 18:12
Hey everyone! Just wanted to clarify what is up with Jasper's ability before I throw him into camp. He's an empath, who can sense the emotions of others as well as manipulate them. However, he doesn't go around manipulating emotions all the time. It's sort of a case by case basis, where he'll only change someone's emotions if he feels it's necessary or if someone talks him into it. In general, if you WANT him to manipulate your character's emotions just let me know! He frequently calms people down in crisis situations, so keep that in mind. If you don't want him to ever do this, also let me know! This is especially the case if your character is going to do something to him or Alice that would usually warrant a response, but you don't want him to do anything.
Another quick note, that I don't think we've mentioned, is that we're taking Alice and Jasper from the end of Eclipse. Breaking Dawn hasn't happened to them yet. Also, for now we'd really appreciate it if no one told them they were fictional. It's okay to recognize them, but we'd rather no one told them directly that they don't exist!
And if you ever need to contact either of the sparklepires, especially when we're running a post, hop into #sparklechan, our current Twilight chan, or just poke one of us in IRC.
important info,