Title: Of Grocery Lists and Sleepless Nights (1/2)
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13ish
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I just let them run around in my brain a little bit.
Of Grocery Lists and Sleepless Nights (1/2)
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Part 2: Sleepless Nights Part 1: Grocery Lists
"Hey, babe?" Callie called to her girlfriend from the breakfast bar where she was sitting in her robe, her wet hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head.
Arizona was in the bedroom, getting ready for her day at work. It was Callie's day off, but Arizona had managed to get her out of bed early with the mention of group shower time, which they had enjoyed thoroughly. "What's up?" the blonde responded, poking her head through the bedroom door.
Callie looked up, "well, I'm going grocery shopping today and I was wondering if you wanted me to pick up anything special for you?"
Arizona's eyebrows crinkled. "Special?"
"Well, just anything specific. You know, anything you really like to have for breakfast, your favorite juice, favorite snacks, preferred fat content of your milk, a different shampoo or body wash maybe. I know you love that Greek yogurt with the pineapple chunks, so I already have that on the list along with bananas. Oh, and spinach, since it makes you strong like Popeye." At that, Arizona's eyes softened and a small grin appeared on her face, recalling the day she told Callie about the only vegetable her parents could get her to eat as a child. "I know some of your favorites, but not all," Callie continued, "so I figured I'd ask to see if you wanted me to pick anything up."
Arizona came out of the bedroom wearing only a pair of jeans and a bra, her hair still damp. She walked up to Callie, pushing her way between the brunette's legs and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck, pressing light, quick kisses to her lips repeatedly. Callie rested her hands on the blonde's waist, leaning into the peds surgeon and enjoying the attention being lavished upon her. "You are adorable and sexy and sweet and I love you, Calliope Torres."
"That's a strong response to a grocery list. What do I get when I come home with actual groceries?" Callie asked, kissing a trail starting at Arizona's bra strap, working its way across her collarbone, up her neck and ending just behind her earlobe.
Unfortunately, Cristina chose this moment to exit her bedroom. "Oh, come on, you two. Seriously? Get a room. You have one. It's right there! It's bad enough I have to listen to you guys humping like rabbits all night, do I really need to be subjected to this every morning?"
Arizona opened her eyes and glared at the other woman before bursting out into giggles. Callie turned around to see what her girlfriend had been laughing at and joined her after glancing at Cristina's neck. "Nice hickey, Yang!" Callie teased, causing Cristina's hand to shoot up to the exact spot on her neck in question.
"Yeah, Cristina," Arizona added, "tell Owen he should be careful with those vampire teeth of his."
Cristina narrowed her eyes at the two surgeons and left with a parting shot of, "screw you both."
After giggling for a few moments more, Callie regained her composure and looked up into Arizona's blue eyes. "So... anything I should add to my shopping list?"
"Mmm, strawberries and whipped cream would be good." Arizona said in a husky voice before dipping her head down to kiss her girlfriend deeply. "Seriously though, it would be great if you could pick up some whole grain bread, swiss cheese, almonds and some granola bars. With chocolate chips. And I like 1% milk." Arizona pouted when Callie pulled back and turned her body away from her, but then realized she was turning to write down the items she had just listed. "I wouldn't want to go overboard with my requests. Yang might notice a bunch of my stuff here one of these days, think I moved in and demand that I start paying rent."
Callie looked up from her list and studied the blonde. "Well, so what if you did?"
"You want me to start paying rent?" Arizona asked, confused.
Callie blushed a bit and looked down, clearing her throat. "I mean... you know... just, what if you did have more things here? And so what if Cristina noticed?"
Arizona replaced her arms around Callie's neck, waiting for the dark haired woman to look up at her again. "You want more of my stuff here?"
Callie smiled, "We spend a lot of time here. We're rarely ever at your apartment, and we spend the night even less frequently. You don't even sleep there very often anymore. I want you to be comfortable here. You should have things here that you like. Food, clothes, bring pillows if you want. Pictures or decorations."
Arizona eyed her girlfriend suspiciously. "Calliope. Are you asking me to move in?"
Callie looked down again, her blush rising higher. "No! Maybe... Not exactly." She took a deep breath and kissed Arizona lightly before pressing their foreheads together. "What if we look at it as like a learners permit? You can bring some stuff over here and we can see what happens. Keep your apartment for a while, but let's just maybe start making this place a little more ours."
Arizona pulled back and looked at the door to Cristina's room. "Are you sure it would be ok with Cristina?"
Callie scoffed at the thought. "Do you think I let Yang tell me what I can and can't do?" At Arizona's disbelieving glare, Callie rolled her eyes and continued, "well, I guess it's a good thing we're giving it a trial run, then. We can see how we all react to this change. You, me AND Cristina. If it becomes a problem, we'll deal with it. You know where I stand. I already told you that girlfriend trumps roommate."
Arizona smiled and brought her lips to Callie's one last time before turning to head back into the bedroom to continue getting ready, calling over her shoulder, "Meet me at my place at 5:30 tonight. You can help me pack up some stuff to bring over."
Callie heard the hair dryer come on and smiled to herself. Looking back at the list she had made, Callie wondered if grocery shopping would always remind her of a turning point in her relationship.