ok sorry about the other two entries but i can't figure out how to delete them! please help
Name: Morgan
Age: 13
Birthday: January 1st
Location: Merrimac, MA
Sex: Femaleeeeee
Are you edge: No
What makes you emo: No one thing makes you emo. It all consits of the music you listen to, the clothes you wear, and your attitued. I listen to awesome music, most of which is emo, I sometimes dress emo (I mostly just wear band shirts), and sometimes I have an attitude of 'emo'.
Whats your opinion on ONE of the following:George Bush, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Drinking/Drugs, Runaways, Self-Injury, The Death Penilty, Religion, Operation Iraq Freedom, War: Gay marriage: Gosh I love gay people. I totally support gay marriage. Some of my mom's friends are gay and I totally love them. I am trisexual, with fences, so I support gays totally.
Bands you like
o1. Bright eyes
o2. Taking back sunday
o3. Brand new
o4. Coheed and Cambria/ Shabutie
o5. The Early November
Bands you DONT like
o1. Avril and her band
o2. Ashlee and her band
o3. D12
o4. I cant think of peticulars, but I don't like much rap
o5. Fat Joe
Movies you like
o1. Bang Bang youre dead
o2. Secret window
o3. Pirates of the Caribbean
o4. Blue Car
o5. Don't say a word
Movies you DONT like
o1. Any chick flick
o2. Star wars movies
o3. Lord of the rings
o4. ET
o5. Chicago
Favorite song, and Why
Ever so sweet - TEN I love this because the lyrics just speak to me. That is like the way I think
Do you play with fire:Maybe
Did you read the rules??: Yes
Promote to 2 People and prove it:
ganksta4lyfeyo _imrad_yourrad_
Where did you find us??[If invited put who invited you]:I was searching for some random band
Tell us something interesting about you: Im wearing a 50 Cent shirt
IF you are accepted, give me the LINK& of a picture for the userinfo: well Im not accempted yet
Post your pictures now. AT LEAST 3: Ok I can't figure out how to get them the right size in here so ill just give the links
http://photobucket.com/albums/v427/TheGroundFolds1/?action=view¤t=MorganAugust152004031greyscale.jpghttp://photobucket.com/albums/v427/TheGroundFolds1/?action=view¤t=ec28e791.jpghttp://photobucket.com/albums/v427/TheGroundFolds1/?action=view¤t=MorganAugust152004006.jpghttp://photobucket.com/albums/v427/TheGroundFolds1/?action=view¤t=MorganAugust152004003.jpghttp://photobucket.com/albums/v427/TheGroundFolds1/?action=view¤t=MorganAugust152004004.jpg Ok now the pictures aren't protected... Sorry about this! ;.;... And thanks to whoever deleted the other posts!