Name: Ellen
Age: 14
Birthday: January 8
Location: South Carolina
Sex: Female
Are you edge: No
What makes you emo: i dont label myself emo. i just love the music and everything about it
Whats your opinion on ONE of the following:
George Bush, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Drinking/Drugs, Runaways, Self-Injury, The Death Penilty, Religion, Operation Iraq Freedom, War:
Self-Injury- I dont think people should do it. i've tried it and it didn't help me at all. if your having a problem and you feel like you want to do it, you should talk to someone about how you feel before you cut or something. because you jsut get addicted and it doesn't help.
List 5 Bands you like:
o1. Taking Back Sunday
o2. The Used
o3. Blink 182
o4. Blindside
o5. Dashboard Confessional
List 5 Bands you DONT like:
o1. hm, thats tough..Cannible Corpse
o2. Good Charlotte
o3. Maroon 5
o4. MSI
o5. The Darkness
List 5 Movies you like
o1. School of Rock
o2. SLC Punk
o3. The Butterfly Effect
o4. GOthika
o5. Bad Santa
List 5 Movies you DONT like:
o1. They
o2. Maid in Manhatten
o3. Just Married
o4. ...
o5. ...
Favorite song, and Why: Pitiful by Blindside because i like the lyrics and its fun to sing and play the guitar to
Do you play with fire?: yes
Did you read the rules??: yes i did
Promote to 2 People and prove it:
Where did you find us??[If invited put who invited you]: my friend beth (sexxipants)
Tell us something interesting about you: i play the guitar, piano, and drums and i love to write music and lyrics
Post your pictures now. AT LEAST 3:
im on the right
on the left