Title: Making A Mess
Author: Empath Apathique
Word Count:
Request: Harry/Pansy, moving in together, get a housewarming gift (what is it? What does it do?)
Note: This was so fun! It went away from your request a bit, but…
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Comments 4
this made me giggle like a loon:
“I know how to plug it in,” she says testily. “Granger showed me how.”
Cause I can just picture that. (And Hermione's little smirk as she leaves the house thinking "that's for all the times I cooked and cleaned while camping. Ha!")
Excellent - even better than I thought it might be.
Thank you for the awesome prompt! Like I said, it was a BLAST to write.
I love that you love my crazy tangent.
And Interfering!Hermione is love.
Thank you for reading, my love. I <3 you and your comments.
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