Feb 18, 2010 15:53
Hisoka is empathic. This means, he can read the emotions of those around him. He does have fairly strong shields, which he keeps up unless he has a need to actively use his empathy. However, overly strong emotions will still leak through, especially if the other person has mental abilities of their own, or if there is physical contact.
When Hisoka lowers his shields, he can generally feel at least that someone is there, unless they have really good shields. He can also use his empathy to trace the emotional residue on an item, and seek out the person that it belongs to.
In logs, I will assume that if you include emotional cues, Hisoka will pick up at least a small bit of emotion from your characters.
Please post here to let me know the defaults of how Hisoka will sense your characters (obviously, based on what's happening in a log, discussion will be done for outside of normalcy, via IM or PM). Please include how much Hisoka will sense, both when his shields are up and when his shields are down.
For ease of reference, kindly fill out the following form:
Player Name:
Character Name | Journal | Canon:
General Emotions: In general, what does your character feel under normal conditions?
Strength of Emotions: In general, how strongly does your character feel said emotions?
Alignment: Not necessarily specific, but is your character a straight arrow? Are they evil? Do they "think happy thoughts", or are their thoughts more dark?
Other Comments: Anything else you can think of.