Here is my FST (Fan Soundtrack) for Kurosaki Hisoka from Yami no Matsuei.
Goal 12-15 tracks
Current Tracks (in no particular order)
Pain (Joanne Hogg) [Xenosaga Episode I OST] [
~Primarily about Hisoka's empathy, but also about how Tsuzuki has opened him up. Emotions, even kindness, cause him pain, but Tsuzuki needing him keeps him from fading away.~
Life is Like a Boat (Rie Fu) [Bleach OST] [
~This is the story of Hisoka, and his relationship with Tsuzuki, from the beginning of the series to the end. In the first verse/arc, Hisoka's alone and empty, no one knows him, no one cares, no one would come to save him. In the middle verse/arc, no one knows him, he figures no one cares, but he knows that Tsuzuki would come to save him. In the final verse/arc, Hisoka wants Tsuzuki to know who he is, and if Tsuzuki needed help, he'd go to save him (like in Kyoto).~
If I Lost You (Travis Tritt) [No More Looking Over my Shoulder] [
~Hisoka's feelings for Tsuzuki. Their relationship is built on their mutual need for each other, and Hisoka needs Tsuzuki, because he's the one Hisoka trusts the most.~
A Bird Without Wings (Damian McGinty) [Act Two] [
~Like the above song, while Hisoka may keep Tsuzuki stable, it's Tsuzuki who has become Hisoka's world. And if anything happened to Tsuzuki, Hisoka would be lost as well.~
Damaged (Plumb) [Simply Plumb] [
~Hisoka and Muraki. Do note that the song is told from the perspective of a girl, and not a boy, but the point remains. No matter what happens in Hisoka's [after]life, he'll always be "damaged" by what Muraki did.~
Open Your Heart (See-Saw) [.hack//SIGN OST 2] [
~Hisoka's empathy. When he lowers his shield, he's opening his heart, both to the positive emotions and the negative.~