Last night was a huuuuge dream. Here goes.
It starts off with me being an art student having an art assignment to do. I have to go to these certain rooms in the school and find certain things to draw/use. Only these aren't normal things, and they're not normal rooms. They're rooms filled with forests and swamps and the things I have to find are truly bizarre, like a slime mold, a live bejeweled gummy frog, a chocolate tree branch. Sort of the kind of things you'd expect to find in Harry Potter. The most fascinating one was the live bejeweled gummy frog. (That wasn't what it was really called, but it's a close enough description.) It looked kind of like a bean bag frog covered in beads and was really cute.
Anyway, I'm trying to find this one item that I found earlier but then released for some reason. I need to find it again, but I can't find one where I found the first one, I'm looking everywhere... Finally, I have to go to the other school campus across town. Unfortunately, I get picked up by some of my classmates who are pirates. They look like art students, but they're really pirates. They tie me up and drag me to their ship and put me in the brig. (The ship is, of course, in the bay.)
Well, some time passes with me being stuck in the brig. Actually, now that I think about it, they must have been Irish art student pirates, because most of them had red hair. Finally there's a chance to escape. I've slipped my rope bonds, the brig is otherwise deserted (I was their only prisoner), the pirates are on deck arguing loudly about something. I'm a really small person, so I'm able to squeeze through the porthole and jump into the water.
There's only one problem. The pirates have got my canvas bag that I carry everywhere, and I want it. The luggage is down at the back end of the ship. I steal one of the dinghies and row it to the back, careful to avoid being seen by the pirates. I sidle up the the back of the boat and slip my bag out from their loot pile. Then, when I'm rowing back towards the front of the ship, I get spotted, but thankfully my boat is light and the pirates are too argumentative and I'm able to row safey to the city.
Well, something strange has happened, because the city is now several hundred years into the future from the time I last left it. I get out of the dingy and am lost in this place filled with strange technologies. Well, maybe not so strange, the public transportation system is roughly unchanged. XDDDD So I decide to try and get to the second school campus like I was intending to do originally.
The problem is that not only was my initial assessment of the transportation system not being the same totally wrong, I don't know how to get to the second school campus in the first place. There's another guy who's escaping the pirates, too, and suggests we go to the bank first, but I lose sight of him fairly quickly. I end up at this giant sort of luggage terminal. I figure, what the hell, maybe they have luggage for me? So I give them my name and get my luggage. Apparently, since I was in temporal flux, my now long-dead family left me luggage. On the plus side, my savings account is still at the bank, and I'm now very rich.
After getting my luggage, I'm told to go to an eye exam with this doctor. I go there, and there are hundreds of other people just like me. The strangest thing happens. I'm going up to see the doctor and I run into, of all things, a robot Talos. I hug him, because even though it's a robot, it's also really, truly, Talos! Now that I think about it, Talos probably built the robot when he found out I was in temporal flux, so that he'd still be around when I got out. The Talos robot has been working at the eye center because it's where people getting out of temporal flux go and it's where he could find me. He shows me up to the doctor's office and we agree to meet up after my appointment.
I finally meet the doctor, a man in a green smock with black hair and mustache. He looks a bit untrustworthy, maybe he's French. (XDD Sorry, me and Ford have an ongoing French joke because Ford's working on an animation called "French Style." I swear, I don't really dislike the French.) He tells me to sit down at the table and he wants to poke these needles in my eyes. "They really dont hurt very much," he says. "I don't frelling think so," say I. "Can't you just get my medical records?"
"Who is your doctor?"
"Dr. Frank Cotter."
"Where are the records?"
"At the Eye Center."
"The legendary eye center!!?" exclaims the doctor. I look at him like he's totally crazy, which probably isn't far from the truth.
"Uh, no," say I, but the doctor is too busy dancing around talking about the legendary eye center. I clarify: "The VISTAR Eye Center in Roanoke, Virginia," but it's a lost cause. So I get up and go to the door.
I get my second lovely surprise when another robot shows up, only this time it's Hraewn! Hraewn is, if anything, even more overjoyed to see me than Talos. Actually. Hraewn seemd really rather upset. The doctor comes over and asks, "Hraewn, what is wrong?" I notice that this only seems to make Hraewn more upset, so I step in front of the doctor and ask, "Hraewn, what's wrong?" He shakes his head, so I walk up to him and pull his head next to mine so he can whisper into my ear. He tells me the doctor was abusing him, and since he's a robot he couldn't just turn into a crow and run away, and he's been trapped here. Well, I whisper right back that everything okay now because I'm here and we're leaving. I tell the doctor that Hraewn is mine, and we leave (collecting Talos on the way).
Now, skip ahead a bit, I've bought a very nice old-fashioned home in the city with my savings, and I'm living there with Talos and Hraewn and a few of the other robots (now-dead human) Talos must've made years ago, trying to find all the rest. (Ed.: The real Talos would've given them an integrated neural communication network.) I've also got a job working with the city police, sort of. More like a relationship with the police? XD
Anyway, we're all sitting at home when suddenly the perimeter alerts come on. We all scurry. I end up going around the front of the house. You'll never, ever guess who it is.
No, really, I mean it. Even I wasn't expecting this.
It's... *drumroll* WESLEY CRUSHER. Of Star Trek. And, according to what follows in our exchange, I've known Wesley in the past, we used to be friends, but now Wesley is leading a mission to kill me. Fortunately, the uniformed Star Trek invaders are no match for my blaster and robot army, and we subdue them all. They've got a transport, a little black shuttle with room for the pilot and six soldiers, a real heavily-armored beautifully minimal combat stealth transport. I take this transport and fly it down to the police. Oh, it's beautifully fast! But I'm going to turn it in to my friend, the chief of police.
Well, the chief of police and I have a nice chat about the Federatoin of Planets, who apparently want me dead, and how they haven't held jurisdiction on this planet for hundreds of years. We also get into a conversation on the Constitution, and the law stating that laws have to go to the Supreme Court to be proven unconstitutional, and they had all these outdated, obscure laws in the Constitution that didn't make any sense in this future time... Then, the Chief's boyfriend comes in while I'm explaining midnight-oil additions or whatnot that people make in the final days of their terms just so that they can have a lasting impact on the law of the country, and how then these last-minute additions don't have to go through judicial review and they can't get rid of them... Oy. Where was I? Yes, Chief's boyfriend comes in and he's not happy with her and he does or says something wrong, so the chief and I decide to chase after him, I think to arrest him. He jumps on his little aerobike and I want to use Wesley's troop transport, but it's already gone down to forensics, so I just hop on another aerobike and give chase. The whole time, I'm still explaining the Constitution to the chief. XD
And then I murkily awake, confused. How did it get from bejeweled gummy frogs to aerobike chases and the Constitution?
And on related news, I did a quick sketch in my ongoing quest to design Hraewn. I can never quite render him the way he's supposed to look, but this time I got really, really close!