Title: Love story [5/?] Author: emperornuneo Genre: Angst drama Character/pairings: Wooyoung/Junho, Wooyoung/Jieun Rating: PG-13 Summary: A one-sided love story. How will it unfold?
O_O... WAHHHHHHHHHH... Really Wooyoung!!!... ???... OMG... He'z really gonna let them rape Junho... He muzt really Hate Junho... awww Poor thing... and Junho iz steady yelling for Wooyoung to help him... which didn't happen... Junho should juz give up on Wooyoung... There'z no way you can love someone who let their friendz have their way with you... thatz juz wrong... I hope Junho getz over Wooyoung and get Even!!!... Now off to read chapter 6
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORI:gpeonh;sldfkmnpsid;okvgi;odbjxlkdvgnlkdbcxklfbvkmxkj;lbvjxflkbjodxfnb;kdf;bvdxlxf;vlmdxfvjdxl;fbv;kdxfjb;djxfmbxkjbnldfk. WOOYOUNG WOULD NEVER DO THISS. NONONONONOOOO. He's my Youngie! He's innocent, naive, and precious! He's always bottom/ the girl in the story and he's always the one that's victimized. AHHHH. this goes against all my principles, but (I hate myself for feeling this) I still like the story..only.. Give Wooyoung a heart, please? eventually...! I WANT THIS TO END HAPPILYYY. And I really don't want Youngie to end up back with Jieun, b/c even though they looked great in Dream High together, I read fanfics b/c they're yaoi and NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. (I'm sorry for going a bit mental..) But. Junho, you sweetheart...Youngie's gonna see what he did and he's going to apologize profusely and you two'll fall in love and EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT. Right?!?! /hasapanicattack
OMG! That's a really huge reaction!! I couldn't bare making Wooyoungie cruel so i'm gonna make him an angel as soon as possible ;__; This will definitely end happy cos i don't like sad endings :D I don't like Wooyoung/Jieun pairing either =.= That's exactly why i used it and broke them up. MUAHAHAHAHA xD PLEASE RELAX :O
^-^ hehehehee. I'm so relieved. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU. n_n You don't know how happy I ammm. Happy ending, here I come! Muahahahaa xD I'll try, but I'm pretty wound up by this turn of events...But at least I can relax about my true principle: My Wooyoungie is still an angel *can die happy now* :D
Comments 8
how could u let this happen
don't u hv a heart...
first of all.....thanx u for upadating this story
did u know its become my fav fic???hehe
second....damn it wooyoung
wth are u doing????he is ur wife for GOD sake
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