Title: Love story [7/?] Author: emperornuneo Genre: Angst drama Character/pairings: Wooyoung/Junho, slight Chanho Rating: PG-13 Summary: A one-sided love story. How will it unfold?
aesjdfkl;ajskdlf;askjdfl; I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID ABOUT ME BEING OKAY WITH CHANHO. NOT HERE> WOO AND HO BELONG TOGETHER. WAEEEEEE. lk;asngfalksjdf;lkjsfd HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO MEE. CHAN GO HELP SOMEONE ELSE> I LOVE YOU BUT WOOYOUNG IS FINALLY WARMING UP TO JUNHO AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU AJKESfl:SF. WHAT KIND OF NURSE ARE YOU. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. T___T *tries beating Chansung away, which is completely useless* NO. NOOO. NOOOOOOOO!!!! ;lghoas[i I mean, ofc it'll take a little while for Junho to be completely trusting and comfortable with Woo, but LOVE WAITS. LOVE. FREAKING. WAITS. /sobsintopillow
AND WHAT WAS WITH THAT CLIFFHANGER. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M ALREADY UPSET ENOUGH?!?! sorry I keep blowing up at you, this fic makes me emotional. *cries* Stupid chansung..ruin everything. *kicks dirt* Wooyoung's gonna be all miserable now. TT____TT
Oh my gosh, this story is progressing really well. I LOVE IT!! I am so glad that Wooyoung is now sweet and is asking for forgiveness. I hope that Junho will forgive him soon ^^ The things that Wooyoung said to Junho *.* That cliffhanger o.o I'm glad that Chanana is here~ Can't wait to find out how Junho and Channie know each other ;)
Comments 20
AND WHAT WAS WITH THAT CLIFFHANGER. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M ALREADY UPSET ENOUGH?!?! sorry I keep blowing up at you, this fic makes me emotional. *cries* Stupid chansung..ruin everything. *kicks dirt* Wooyoung's gonna be all miserable now. TT____TT
I am so glad that Wooyoung is now sweet and is asking for forgiveness. I hope that Junho will forgive him soon ^^
The things that Wooyoung said to Junho *.*
That cliffhanger o.o I'm glad that Chanana is here~
Can't wait to find out how Junho and Channie know each other ;)
Thank you so much for this chapter <3
but still,i feel bad for junho
he must really afraid with woo
nah....it was his fault btw
channie is comin!!!!huhu
i know must be something going on....
thanx 4 da fic
cant wait for da next update \0/
thanks again.
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