You are certainly not annoying and i genuinely do like you lots :D I think that you're funny to be around and you're a caring person... also anyone i know never talks about you behind your back because they like you and think you're nice!
Also, it doesn't sound like a plea for attention, i understand that people write how they feel and you're just doing the same :)
Well try not to because i certainly do not think of you in a bad way, i think that you're a good friend and a nice person to be around! Try to break the concrete and get different thoughts into your head :) xxx
Ah stop being paranoid. Nobody hates you, and maybe you'd feel less lonely if you spent less time on planetside? Though I do agree somewhat, being alone sometimes is better than being in large groups.
Comments 23
Also, it doesn't sound like a plea for attention, i understand that people write how they feel and you're just doing the same :)
Take care xxx
Ah well. I can try. My brain is Mr. Stubborn.
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