Work seems to have SUCKED up my life. I know that working full time in the deli tends to do this, but I conveniently forget each time I go away and seem to think that the pay, the fun people etc. will make up for being on my feet hopping about to please the whims of some fucking RUDe out of staters (or fucking pretentious locals) for 8 hours. It doesn't.
I mean, it's different in the winter (mostly.) But I can't help but feel that it gets worse everytime I go back. I stop working for just long enough that it seems like it will be ok, then BAM. I've only worked one full week but its killing me. In terms of money, sales are up. way up. So really it is worse because we are getting more business (ie more customers). It's overwhelming.
And I'm just so tired that it consumes my life. I in reality I have time outside work (although never 2 days off in a row). I could read and paint and finish watching the prisoner and all those fun things I want to do. But I also want to see friends (that comes first.) I get out of work at 10 (ish) then hang out, go tot bed late, sleep late to get enough rest then go back to work. What a lame existence. Yes it is partially my fualt for not taking the initiative to do something in my "free" time, but the reality is that work is just exhausting, and one needs energy to do those other things.
Friday was the busiest day I've ever worked at the coop. And this includes holidays I've worked. It was gallery walk, an NEYT show plus the hundreds of summer tourists plus the usual suspects=INSANE. So naturally after that I decided I needed a stiff drink at Carolyns...which morphed into many many shots of vodka. Saturday was not a happy day. I went into work nauseous and severely hungover. Sometime friday night I managed to stub my pinky toe horribly. When I woke up i could barely stand on my foot. Well played, emily. I also spent a good 2 hours having a crazy dance party with Carolyn (lots of twisting to the oldies, which seemed like a great idea at the time...) This morning (two days after the dp) I woke up and could barely stand my legs hurt so much. Dear me I AM out of shape. THEN an hour ago I was walking back fromt he bathroom and stubbed THE SAME TOE REALLY HARD. It's bruised and swolen..possibly sprained?
*whimper* I need a hug and a vicodin.