I've apparently been getting free Wall Street Journals all semester and have just not noticed because I don't check the bell desk (because I'm not subscribed to anything nor expect anything there). So I also want to know how WSJ has my address because...it's kind of freaky.
damnit! I finally sleep on time and I stil wake up late! I planned on skipping my audited class today to get work done for my afternoon class but apparently that's not going to work now.
Guppy New York is totally freaking out about water changes. Crazy fish. He's been trying to jump out of his tank. Jo'Burg's been taking seperation better.
I think anyway.
Argh...pets. Gotta love 'em.
Independent fish stores better than Petco!
Anyways, going to take an hour and a half nap, then work on Donne
:T Man, it's been a while since I've had to write a paper about poetry. I guess I slept a little too late last night because when I got back from Medieval to Commonwealth today for my regular 10 to 11:30 nap, I ended up waking up at 2! So embarrased, but at least I made it to classes today.