Random discussion about Ichiban

Dec 16, 2010 01:48

Every now and then I watch the MC from Diamond, and listen to Shige talking about how he's third best. It makes me sad because I love Shige, I think he's amazing, and he needs to think he's amazing too.

People naturally have favourites. It's what people do. When it comes to NEWS, the spread of Ichiban seems to be relatively even - I've met people with ichibans of each, though admittedly I've seen more people whose ichiban is Yamapi or Massu compared to Koyama.

Sometimes I think about what I'd say to NEWS if I met them. If I did and was able to speak to them, I'd want to absolutely express my gratitude and the difference they've made. But I'm also the kind of person who panics about making things inequal, so I'd want to make them all feel valued as individuals as well as being NEWS.

And then I thought... well, I sort of like them all equally anyway.
It's sort of like their concert costumes. They're all a bit different, a bit unique, but they're all awesome. Just like NEWS members themselves. And that's how I like them - I like them all the best in a unique way. I don't think I could like them all the same way even if I tried, but that doesn't mean it's unequal.

I love Ryo-chan's smiles and how sweet and adorable he can be, and how stupidly talented he is with music. I love Massu's grins and his oddness, and his stupid physical talents. I love Tegoshi's cheekiness, his ability to be a complete ham on stage and his beautiful voice. I love Kei-chan's never ending kindness, his silliness, his laugh. I love Shige's dorkiness, his intelligence, that beautiful balance between seriousness and being completely ditzy. And I love Yamapi's ability to perform, his quirky thoughts, his sincerity. (And of course, I love how they all look, but that kind of goes without saying. They're celebrities, of course they're stupidly, stupidly attractive. especiallyyamapigoddamn)

I love them all, but I love them in different ways... because I have to. There isn't another way to love them. Of the things I love most about each one, those things I love more in that member than in any other. So if asked if I have an ichiban, could I honestly say I have one?

...Sadly, the answer is yes. As much as I might love them equally, I'm human, and one particular member stands out to me as being... not better than the others, just one that seems extra special to me. In case the DP and the several declarations I've made everywhere haven't clued you in, Yamapi is my ichiban. He holds most of the qualities I value the highest, so I guess naturally I like him the best, even though the others have other, better qualities and stronger talents. But that admiration of Yamapi doesn't detract anything from my love for the other members. So for Shige, I could never put on an uchiwa 'I like Shige 3rd best', because my love for the members doesn't have a ranking. I'd hold up six uchiwa and on each it'd have the thing I like best about them. And I'd rotate their positions so they wouldn't think I was holding them in any particular order.

...So, uh, in conclusion... I love NEWS. <3

You know, in case you hadn't picked that up yet.

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