It's been a while, hasn't it? I know I said I'd update more but that just. Isn't. Happening.
On an upside though, things in real life have been great and my time management for my other priorities has improved a lot. I guess I can't have it all, right? Though more fanficion would probably be published if I spent less time watching anime lol.
Coming Soon:
- A Scorrose one-shot dedicated to Amber. It's my first GGE one, and it should have been published a few weeks ago, but obviously that didn't happen. I'm working on it. If I stop procrastinating maybe I can actually finish it.
- Drabbles for the biatholon event in Ash's Winter Olympics. I really need to do that.
- I'm thinking for my GGE one-shot for Sam: why not a Divergent one? I need to write one eventually because the fandom is awesome, so why not now?
- Other Hogwarts and Sugarquill one-shots depending on how inspired I am.
Not a lot but this year I'm focusing more on quality rather than quantity. I need to be more realistic with how much I can do in my time sadly. Real life sucks.