Low-Key Summer Fic Exchange: Dear Author

Jul 25, 2014 21:39

Dear Exchange Author:

Hi there, and thank you for taking time out of your summer to write for me! I'm generally pretty low-key myself, so please consider these really loose suggestions for fics that would appeal to me. I love humor and angst and 'shippy fic and genfic and hetfic and slashfic, so please pick the style and story that appeals the most to you as a writer and go for it!

Dollhouse : Anything about Laurence Dominick or Boyd Langdon - how did Dominick end up in the NSA and on the Dollhouse assignment? What happened to him after the end of the Dollhouse? Or how about giving poor under-utilized Boyd a better ending that was more consistent with the character he was in Season 1?

Sleepy Hollow : I adore Jenny Mills and August Corbin - would love to read anything about them being bad-ass together, or any father/daughter-type moments where August tries to reunite Jenny with her sister.

The 100 : I am holding LJ personally responsible for spreading the squee and getting me hooked on this show over the course of a week. I have a particular interest in the shades-of-grey characters like Bellamy Blake and Marcus Kane, but I'd be just as happy to read about Clarke or Finn or Octavia or Raven or...you get the idea.

Veronica Mars : I love just about every single character in this show/movie and I'd be happy to read about anyone, although I have a particular love for Veronica, Lilly, Logan, Duncan, Wallace, and Piz.

Wild Card : I'm just gonna leave my list of shows here, including Dollhouse, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, Sleepy Hollow, Supernatural, The 100, The Good Wife, Veronica Mars. Feel free to combine any of the shows/characters/ships or make any kind of AU that interests you.

Thanks again for writing for me, and have fun! \0/

fic exchanges, low-key summer fic exchange, fic

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