i love talking to people about religion, people who won't criticize you for being born with different beliefs and thoughts..
i thought that was the purpose of birth.
but i guess most of the world is sheep.
this is a long conversation, my guitarist, adrian & and i had.
it's a really good read.
xThricex55: If you hate people who say they hate jesus because they are scared of a savior put this in your profile
xThricex55: :-D
MURDER XXX CORE: if you hate people who im other people just to say if you hate people who say they hate jesus put this in your profile, put this in your profile
xThricex55: If your name is mike and you hate jesus put this in your profile
MURDER XXX CORE: look at go go x gorgeous' profile
xThricex55: Is that your women?
xThricex55: Dang what are you guys? Devil worshipers?
MURDER XXX CORE: we dont worship
xThricex55: So why do you hate him?
MURDER XXX CORE: i dont hate him but jackie, shu and i wanted something to put in our profiles
MURDER XXX CORE: and neither of us are catholic or christian so we just put that
xThricex55: ha ok
xThricex55: You dont like religions?
MURDER XXX CORE: i dont have faith in them
xThricex55: Why not?
MURDER XXX CORE: i just never have
MURDER XXX CORE: i've never had faith in anything
MURDER XXX CORE: because i'm the type of person that doesn't rely on anything
xThricex55: Well its not like you have to rely on it like its not going to turn its back on you or anything
MURDER XXX CORE: people die..and i'm too distraught over deaths to think about what to do or who to blame or what to think. death has always impacted me in an overwhelming way and why i was born that way? i dont know. all i know is, i would probably think religion is a waste of time if i'd believe in it.
xThricex55: So what do you think happens to you after you die?
MURDER XXX CORE: well...nobody really knows
MURDER XXX CORE: but everyone has faith
MURDER XXX CORE: except me
MURDER XXX CORE: everyone hopes that what they've read and preached about was right, but no one knows
MURDER XXX CORE: i know that there's a creator
MURDER XXX CORE: i just don't know if christianity is it, because christianity now a days is in the same shape as democracy now a days
MURDER XXX CORE: it's not what it used to be, and its basically shit now
xThricex55: Well its more the people then the fait
xThricex55: faith*
xThricex55: and the actual religion
MURDER XXX CORE: i know it's the people
MURDER XXX CORE: and if christianity was really the answer, there wouldn't be those people
xThricex55: Not true because other people make people corrupt. its not like the religion is saying like ......go molest people
MURDER XXX CORE: i'm not talking about priests in general
MURDER XXX CORE: or molesters
xThricex55: Yeah I know
MURDER XXX CORE: alot of people who "follow" religion are sinners themselves
xThricex55: Im just giving an example
MURDER XXX CORE: people who expect to go to heaven
MURDER XXX CORE: and live their lives a sin
MURDER XXX CORE: but hope to confess before they die so they just get the free ride
MURDER XXX CORE: its stupid and thats not what religion is supposed to be
xThricex55: Yeah but they go to a religion to try to help them not sin
MURDER XXX CORE: for those who actually care about sinning
xThricex55: Yeah
xThricex55: But what do you really have to waste in a religion?
MURDER XXX CORE: your faith
MURDER XXX CORE: putting your faith in something that isn't real or not something you believe in is a total waste
MURDER XXX CORE: you dont believe in*
MURDER XXX CORE: a waste to you
xThricex55: But i mean like think about it....you think there is no heaven what if there really is? I mean are you going to take that risk? and if you have a religion maybe there isnt a heaven but at least you tryed and it made you a better person when you were alive
MURDER XXX CORE: and you were in a religion that wasnt real
MURDER XXX CORE: and what if there's war in heaven?
MURDER XXX CORE: what if all the gods really exist and christianity's god was just one of the many
MURDER XXX CORE: he wasn't the creator
MURDER XXX CORE: christianity could just be a theory, just as anything else would
xThricex55: Well then your believing in one of the many gods
MURDER XXX CORE: yeah and that's a special thing
MURDER XXX CORE: something i don't have
MURDER XXX CORE: maybe i'll find it later
MURDER XXX CORE: maybe i won't
MURDER XXX CORE: but i'll find out
xThricex55: So you would rather not belive in a religion and go to hell?
MURDER XXX CORE: no, but i'd accept what i was given
MURDER XXX CORE: there's nothing i can do
MURDER XXX CORE: because believing in religion and god and jesus just because you fear a hell, is wrong
MURDER XXX CORE: that's not faith, that's fear
MURDER XXX CORE: i couldn't do that
xThricex55: I know but thats just a part of the religion
MURDER XXX CORE: i know it is
MURDER XXX CORE: faith is something that i am missing
MURDER XXX CORE: something i wish i had
MURDER XXX CORE: because things would be alot easier
xThricex55: So then why dont you get a faith?
MURDER XXX CORE: because i cant buy one
MURDER XXX CORE: faith is something you find
MURDER XXX CORE: in yourself
MURDER XXX CORE: and i just havent found it yet
xThricex55: Well you can come to church with me:-)
MURDER XXX CORE: maybe i will, someday